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The Lancaster City Council met for its regular meeting on Wednesday, October 9, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  Members present were Mayor, Michael Olson; council members John Stenquist, Mary Barron & Jim Hilman. Luke Nordin was absent.


Stenquist moved to approve the council minutes of the September 11, 2013 regular meeting, seconded by Hilman and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.


The council reviewed the October 2013 bills to be paid.  Stenquist moved to approve the bills as presented for payment and transfer $5,286.57 from the Community Center Savings to cover the cost of tables, chairs and attorney fees for the community center, second by Hilman and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.


The council reviewed the City Drug Policy for employees and volunteers that was tabled from the October 10, 2012 meeting and made revisions as needed.  Hilman moved to accept the Drug Use Policy as amended, second by Barron and carried.  The policy will be given to department heads; Fire Chief and assistant Fire Chiefs, and be posted at maintenance shop, liquor store, city office and the fire department.


Council also discussed the need to have all fire department equipment stored within the city limits.  Council discussed that the equipment could be stored on city owned lots until such time that the equipment can be stored in buildings or sold if not needed.  Hilman moved to require that all fire department equipment be brought within the city limits by November 1, 2013, second by Barron and carried.


Olson reported that Donald Burton has agreed to pay $35.00/acre for the 49.6 acres of farm land next to the golf course for the period covering 2014 through 2016.  Stenquist moved to renew the Burton rent contract for $35.00/acre per year for a total annual rental rate of $1,736.00 with ½ due May1 and the final ½ due November 1 of each 2014 through 2016 and to allow the Mayor to sign the contract, second by Barron  and carried.


Barron reported that the liquor store cooler will be coming in this week and that the furnace and air conditioner should be installed in the next 2 weeks.


 Alison Amundson and Brady Diamond have requested that they be allowed to hold a street dance for their wedding reception that will be held at the Community Center June 7, 2014.  The liquor store manager has given hear approval but wants to require that the renters have an off duty police officer attend the dance and wants to state that this is not a given for every dance as extra help is required.  The additional costs versus sales should be weighed before giving approval for any other street dances of this nature.  Barron also would like to require that no tents be placed outdoors.  Hilman moved to allow the street dance with the requirements that the renters hire off duty police officer and that no tents be place outside, second by Stenquist and carried.


Clerk reported that the township fire contract 3 year agreement ends in 2013 and that the council has previously held a meeting with the townships to discuss contract renewals and future needs of the fire department.  Barron moved to set a meeting with the townships, fire department and council for November 19, 2013 at 7:00PM at the City Hall Meeting Room, second by Stenquist and carried.  The clerk will send notices to the concerned townships and fire chief.


Council discussed the dumping on noncompostable materials at the compost site.   The dumping of items such garden hose, garage doors, kitchen cupboards, etc.  is costly to the city in manpower and dumping fees at the landfill.  Maintenance is directed to install signs informing the public what items are allowed to be dumped at the site.  Council is also requesting that city residents help to inform others of unacceptable uses. 


Council reviewed the September 2013 City and Liquor Store financial information. 


Council discussed that the elevator on the east side of Central Avenue has grain spread on the ground and this is attracting pests and loose tin that is blowing around.  Hilman will speak to the owners about cleaning up the area before this becomes a hazardous issue.


Olson mentioned that there has been a proposal that Lancaster could have an elk as a city mascot.  Council discussed  the cost of a statue but tabled it at this time.


Stenquist has been approached by a person interested in purchasing the city property at the intersection of Manitoba street and US Highway 59, council will discuss further if more information is received.


Clerk informed the council of a grant from Ottertail Power for an AED for public buildings.  The grant requires that the city have trained responders that could operate the AED if needed.  Stenquist moved to make application for the grant, second by Hilman and carried.


Council discussed the placement of an unpaid water/sewer bills on property tax of any individual who has not paid their bill.  A hearing must be held and notice of the hearing  must be mailed to the affected  landowners in order to place unpaid bills on the 2014 property tax rolls.  Barron moved to schedule a hearing for the placement of unpaid water & sewer accounts on the property tax rolls for 2014 for the next regular council meeting November 13, 2013 at 7:15PM and that notice be sent to the affected landowner, second by Stenquist and carried.


Council Adjourned as there was no further council business.





Carol Johnson,  Clerk/Treasurer








Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School

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