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 The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following persons were present: Mayor Mike Olson; Council members Jim Hilman, Kathy Bernstrom and Faye Potrament and Luke Nordin.  Also, present Anna Jauhola with the Kittson County Enterprise and George Zondagh, Public Works.

Bernstrom moved to approve the February 12, 2020 Annual Meeting Council Minutes, second by Potrament and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the March 2020 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2020 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule.  Hilman moved to approve the bills second by Nordin and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Heritage days need to wait for next meeting to get more information regarding who would be available for street cleanup & Community Center cleaning.

Olson reported on payment of cell phone expense and need to have copy of bill in order to substantiate the claim and have the payment be a nontaxable fringe benefit.  At this time no action was taken.

Zondagh met with the council to request the purchase of a used 2010 Ford F250 pickup from C&M Ford.   The net cost after trade in of the 1999 Ford F150 would be $13,687.75.  This purchase of a city pickup was budgeted for in 2020.  Bernstrom moved to purchase the 2010 pickup and trade in the 1999 pickup from C&M Ford for $13,687.75, second by Potrament and carried.

Zondagh also presented a quote for replacement of the current lawn mower with a JD 1535 Mower and 60 inch deck of a net cost $12923.56 after the trade in of the 1435 JD Mower and requested that the council approve the purchase as budgeted for in 2020.   Potrament moved to purchase the JD 1535 Mower and deck for $12,923.56 after trade in, second by Bernstrom and carried.

Clerk presented the City Safety Manual that was developed with help from the League of Minnesota’s Regional Safety Group (RSG) and group coordinator.  Nordin moved to adopt Resolution 2020-01 Adopting A Safety Manual, second by Hilman and carried.

Clerk also presented the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Assessment for the council’s review and approval.  Hilman moved to accept the assessments for various city departments, second by Nordin and carried.

Council discussed the need for specific PPE for Zondagh.  Council discussed Safety boots and high visibility clothing along with other basic safety items.  Bernstrom moved to allow Zondagh a boot allowance of $200 per year and an additional $200 allowance for high visibility clothing to be reviewed as replacement clothing needed; an invoice must be turned in to the clerk for all expenditures, second by Potrament and carried.

Council discussed safety training for part time employees that have had training with their other job and if upon proof of that training it would be adequate for the city.  Council reviewed correspondence from the RSG coordinator regarding this matter that makes clear that OSHA makes clear that the city is responsible for it’s employees training.  Bernstrom moved that all employees must do the required safety training as assigned, second by Nordin and carried.

Council discussed the replacement of the water hydrant at the Gazebo Park also that the skating rink could also use a hydrant for flooding in the winter.  Zondagh was asked to obtain an estimate a plan for the replacement and /or placement of a new hydrant for both areas.

Council discussed replacement of meters for some large volume water users and noted that current policy has been that city pays the cost of meters and if meter is damaged the user pays a set fee.

North Red River Deer Hunter’s Association has asked for council approval for a raffle to be held on April 3, 2020.  Nordin moved to approve the State Gambling Boar Raffle Application, second by Bernstrom and carried.

Mayor set the Liquor Store inventory for March 29, 2020 at 1:00 PM

Council reviewed a barking dog complaint and City Ordinance §91.07.   At this time there is not enough information regarding if the matter rises to level required for action.  Councilperson will speak to dog owner regarding the matter.

Council also reviewed the February 2020 City and Liquor Store financial information.

Council discussed canvas photo print in Community Center and obtaining information to reorder in case of damage to a print.

Nordin discussed that J&S Foods is interested in purchasing the lot directly adjacent to their building that is 25 feet by 130 feet from the city.

Olson will work on finding a person to wax the Liquor Store.

Council reviewed the water tower logo samples in black or white and had some questions as to size of the logo.  Item tabled until next meeting.

Council reviewed correspondence from Kittson County Farm Service Agency that permanently reduces the base acreage in 12 acre parcel in the Lancaster Addition to Lancaster in the southwest corner of Lancaster.  Hilman moved to accept the base acreage change and allow the Mayor to execute the form, second by Nordin and carried.

As there was no further business the council adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                        Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor 

Approval Date: April 15, 2020





Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA


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