The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Meeting Room. The following persons were present: Mayor Mike Olson; Council members Jim Hilman, Kathy Bernstrom and Faye Potrament and Luke Nordin. Also, present Anna Jauhola with the Kittson County Enterprise.
Nordin moved to approve the January 8, 2020 Annual Meeting Council Minutes and the January 15, 2020 Special Meeting for Township Fire Contracts minutes, second by Potrament and carried. A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.
The council reviewed the February 2020 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2020 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule. Hilman moved to approve the bills second by Potrament and carried. An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.
Council reviewed and discussed paint color options for the water tower. Nordin moved to paint the tower a solid color “Grey Day 25GR” with city name on 2 sides of the tower, second by Bernstrom and carried. Clerk will ask Maguire Iron for sample of white/black lettering and style for future decision by council.
George Zondagh met with the council to discuss repairs to the lagoon control structure. At this time he is waiting for cost estimates for the concrete work from a contractor that specializes in lagoon structures and the replacement gates from Core & Main.
Clerk reported that the auditor suggests that the 2019 budget should be amended due accrued accounts receivable and expenses to grants should be accounted for in the 2019 income and expense in the audit on the accrual basis. Hilman moved to increase the 2019 Budget for additional monies received for the Housing/Commercial Rehab Grant and Grant Recipient cost share totaling $138,040.00 and also make a corresponding decrease in the 2019 Budget of $138,040.00 for Housing/Commercial Rehab Grant expenditures, second by Nordin and carried.
Aaron Steen has submitted his resignation from the Lancaster Fire Department effective April 30, 2019 (the start date of Aaron’s leave of absence). Potrament moved to accept the resignation effective April 30, 2019, second by Bernstrom and carried.
Council reviewed the 2019 Fire Relief Association financial reports from MN PERA Volunteer Firefighter Plan.
Potrament moved to appoint Carol Johnson, Clerk to the NW Regional Safety Committee as a city representative and City Safety Coordinator, second by Bernstrom and carried.
Council discussed cleanup during Heritage Day/100th School Centennial. Olson will ask the School if one of the classes or other school groups would be willing to do daily cleanup and what fee the group is willing to contract for. Council discussed that the downtown park gazebo also needs shingles; power washing and stain. The Garden maintenance employees will work on a proposal for the gazebo washing/stain work and other items to be completed as they are willing to take on this task as part of their summer work. The employees will attend the March meeting to discuss the issue. Nordin and Hilman will work on a cost estimate for gazebo shingles.
Clerk reports that she will plan to attend the 2020 League of MN Cities Safety & Loss Control Workshop in March and wondered if any council persons would like to attend. Council will let clerk know within 2 weeks.
Council also reviewed the January 2020 City and Liquor Store financial information. Council also reviewed Annual reports presented to auditor.
Potrament discussed new “Welcome to Lancaster” sign and spruce up of current signs. Nordin will work on a design for new sign for the next meeting.
Hilman and Nordin reported on various Liquor Store issues: maintenance; contacts; pay scale; safety training; dumpster location and cell phone reimbursement. Nordin will work on estimate for door and sink improvement. Olson will ask how the county currently reimburses employees.
Council discussed issue of trucks getting stuck by railroad tracks on Central Avenue. Olson will work on this issue.
City Auditor requests that the April 8, 2020 council meeting be moved to April 15, 2020 as he would then be able to attend the meeting and present the 2019 Audit. Potrament moved to change the April meeting to April 15, 2020, second by Bernstrom and carried.
As there was no further business the council adjourned.
Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer Approved: Mike Olson, Mayor
Approval Date: March 11, 2020
Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA