May 26, 2010
A special meeting was called to consider
requesting a BDPI grant from DEED at 8:00
Present were: Mike Olson, John Stenquist,
Galen Nordin and Gary Rice.
Guests were John Wynne and Randy Nordin.
John Wynne presented information concerning a
request for proposal for a Business Development/Industrial Park
grant in the amount of $175,000. The City would be the
grantee, and would retain ownership of the equipment specified in
the grant. Multi County
Housing has agreed to bond for the matching funds which would be
paid for with a lease agreement with PoDCo.
M/S/P John/Mike to allow the Clerk and Mayor
to sign the application for the grant. Members voting in favor were
John Stenquist, Mike Olson and Gary Rice. Abstaining was Galen Nordin.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50
Gary L. Rice,
Acting Sec.