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The Lancaster City Council met for a special meeting to discuss Township fire contracts on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall.  The following members were present: Mayor Olson, Luke Nordin, Jim Hilman and Kathy Bernstrom.  Faye Potrament was absent.  Also in attendance was Casey Faken, Fire Chief; Tyler Swenson, Assistant Fire Chief; Chris Johnson, Assistant Fire Chief; Brian Hanson, Fireman and representatives of the Townships served by the Lancaster Fire Department.

The purpose for the special meeting was to discuss annual fire contracts with the townships that the Lancaster Fire Department serves.  Olson reviewed the 2020 budget and the 2019 income statements for the previous 2 years.  Fire chief reported that the fire department has purchased a used 2001 fire truck to replace the 1984 truck that has been taken out of service and that the department has purchased misc. equipment and gear.   Faken also talked about the need for a larger/taller transit van for firemen to use as a staging point for SCBA suiting up to go into structure fires and the warming and cooling of fireman during active fires.

Olson reviewed a proposed 2020 fire contract schedule based on the current fire contract pro rata agreement with a proposal that the increase on total township contracts amounts would be 3% per year over the previous year.  Also, that the 2021 and 2022 contract amounts would increase 3% per each year.  The pro rata share would be based upon each township’s January 1 estimated market value in each year of the 3 years covered under the agreement. There will be small changes to the schedule each year as the Estimated Market Values change for each township. 

Olson asked opened the meeting for questions and input from the township officers and firemen in attendance.   After some discussion Nordin moved to set the Township Fire Contracts increase to 3% per year over the previous year’s total township contract amount for the years 2020-2022.  The pro rata share would be based upon each township’s January 1 estimated market value in each year of the 3 years covered under the agreement, second by Bernstrom and carried.

Being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer       Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor   

Approval Date:  February 12, 2020









Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA


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