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The Lancaster City Council met for its regular meeting on Wednesday, September 8, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall.  The following members were present: Rice, Olson, Swenson and Stenquest.  Nordin was absent.

Swenson moved to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2010 Regular meeting, seconded by Olson and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the September 2010 Bills to be paid. Stenquist moved to approve the bills for payment, second by Olson and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Council reviewed the proposed changes to the employee handbook and tabled the discussion of the handbook until the October meeting.

Clerk presented a proposed City Employment Application. Olson moved to accept the application, second by Stenquist and carried.

Clerk presented a travel policy for the council’s review.  Council made some changes and will review the travel policy at the next council meeting.

Rice reported that he had traveled to Fertile and reviewed their use of garbage carts with a pickup arm on the truck.  Olson moved to send request for proposals to various garbage collection services and to have the cost of the cart system to be included along with the bag pickup in the request for proposal, second by Swenson and carried. 

Council discussed the community center project and Rice will work with a couple of different architect firms to obtain a feasibility study and costs for various community center options.

Stenquist is working on finding a carpenter willing to do the prior approved repairs to the Centennial Hall.

The council discussed the need for additional wiring at the cemetery for memorial day services.  Olson moved to make a request of the American Legion Post #214 Gambling Fund in the amount of $500.00 for the wiring project, second by Swenson and carried. 

Anderson Sanitation presented the council with the 2010 Delinquent garbage roll.  Stenquist moved to accept the delinquent garbage roll and allow the Mayor to sign the certification, second by Olson and carried. 

Council reviewed the August City and Liquor Store financial information. 

Thomas Sebenaler submitted his resignation effective January 7, 2011.  Olson moved to accept the resignation of Sebenaler, second by Stenquist and carried.  The council expressed their appreciation for Tom’s years of dedicated service to the city.

Council reviewed the Public Works Director job description that the clerk and Sebenaler have proposed.  Stenquist moved to accept the job description, second by Olson and carried.

Council reviewed the proposed Public Works Director job advertisement.  Swenson moved  advertise the job with an application deadline of October 1, 2010, second by Stenquist and carried.

Council Adjourned as there was no further council business.


Carol Johnson



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