The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, October 14 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room. The following members were present: Olson, Sebenaler, Hilman, Barron and Nordin.
Hilman moved to approve the council minutes of the September 9, 2015 regular meeting, seconded by Nordin and carried. A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.
The council reviewed the October 2015 bills presented this night and any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2015 Rates, Fees & Appointments Schedule. Nordin moved to approve the bills, second by Barron and carried. An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.
Barron discussed the fact that she had approved a down payment with a band for the Liquor Store 50th Birthday party due to the fact that a reduced rate was offered to the Liquor Store but the commitment needed to be made prior to the meeting. She had discussed the band availability with a few other council members and now is asking for retroactive approval of the band costing $4500 plus $300 for rooms. Barron stated that fundraisers will be held to bring the overall cost to the Liquor Store down to $2500.00. Barron moved to contract with the Band “Dirty Word” in the amount of $4800.00, second by Nordin. Voting in favor Barron, Nordin, Hilman. Voting against Sebenaler.
Zondagh met with the council regarding maintenance issues. Sebenaler reported that a decision should be made regarding the purchase of a street sweeper that was tabled at the last meeting. Two used sweepers are available in the twin cities area a 1995 Elgin street sweeper for $29,000.00 and a 2003 Elgin street sweeper for $42,0000.00. Sebenaler reports that Hanson manufacturing has given the city a quote a cost of $700.00 to haul the sweeper to Lancaster. Hilman moved to purchase the 1995 Elgin Sweeper for $29,000.00 and have Hanson Manufacturing haul the sweeper, second by Barron and carried.
Zondagh proposed that the grindex sewer pump that serves the PodCo building on the south side of town be replaced as soon as possible with an industrial lift station setup from Electric Pump (EP) who currently services all of the cities other lift stations. The current system has several issues and needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Zondagh reports that the quote is $21,192.00 for a double pump system. This quote does not include dirt work for installation of a 4 inch line and manhole and 220 volt electrical service for the pumps. Sebenaler would like to check into maybe only having one pump installed and what the cost savings would be. Sebenaler also concurs that the pump replacement should happen soon, before freeze up and requests that the council approve the expenditure and allow Zondagh and himself with input from EP make the decision about the number of pumps to install and get contractors for dirt work and the electrical. Barron moved to allow the expenditure for the replacement of the lift station, dirt work and electrical in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 with the number of pumps to install to be decided by maintenance, EP and Sebenaler, second by Hilman and carried.
Zondagh reported that the mower has 970 hours on it and this is about the normal time the city has looked at trading previously. Council discussed the various types of mowers available and the city needs. The issue was tabled as the council wants more time to look at the different options.
Clerk reported that the high bids for the excess fire department equipment that was advertised for sale are as follows: Ron Davidson-Red Van $560.00, 1800 gallon red tank $375.00 and Small water tank $65.00; Jamen Foss-white Ford ambulance $250.00; Jesse Peterson- Polaris 6x6 $25.00 and Daniel Hunter-Fuel tank with pump 256.00. Hilman moved to accept all high bids, second by Sebenaler and carried.
Council discussed 2016 salaries for employees, eligibility of new employees and how to implement the approval of the 10 step payroll system. Barron moved to allow all employees who have been employed by the city prior to July 1, 2015 be granted a 1 step increase, also that current employees who have worked for the city more than 7 years be placed on the step number that is equal to their years of service with highest step possible being step 10, all payroll increases are effective for hours worked and accrued sick & vacation used in 2016, second by Hilman and carried.
Clerk reported that Galen Nordin would like to give the city Lots 4, 5 & 6 in Block 4, Original Town of Lancaster. Council discussed that these lots are next to the downtown park and would be a good public use area and that a group of citizens are raising monies to build a public skating rink in this spot. Sebenaler moved to accept the gift of the lots for future public use, second by Nordin and carried.
Nordin moved to request $1000.00 from the Lancaster Legion Gambling Fund for cleanup and improvements to the new lots being given to the city by Galen Nordin, second by Hilman and carried.
Council wishes to thank all of the volunteers and persons donating funds to the new skating rink and park area and directed the clerk to put a thank you in the Kittson County Enterprise and North Star News.
Clerk requested that council members review the bank statements for January 2015 through September 2015. Sebenaler will review the City Prime Security Bank General fund, Market Savings and Community Center Savings account statements. Olson will review the Liquor Store United Valley Bank Statements.
Council reviewed the September 2015 City and Liquor Store financial information and daily sales averages for the liquor store.
Nordin reported that the State of MN Department of Health has required that a hood with ansul system must be installed for the auto fry system. The hood cost is $2200.00, NSF Freezer $2200.00 and NSF table cost is $210.00. At this time he has not received the cost estimate for electrical and installation of the hood. Barron moved to allow the purchase and installation of the Auto Fry hood and freezer no to exceed $7000.00, second by Hilman and carried.
Council discussed getting estimates to overlay 5th Street. Sebenaler will work on this.
Council also discussed limiting daytime parking on the south side of 5th street from Central Avenue to Highway 59 to help with snow removal and street congestion in the winter months. Olson will visit with the school superintendent regarding the matter.
Clerk reports that John Wynne, with Northwest Community Action, recommends that the city should proceed with the Pre-Application for the Community Housing & Commercial properties rehab grant. At this point the pre-application grant request would be approximately $712,000.00 which could be reduced by the state in the final grant application. Wynne asks at this time that the council give approval to continue with the pre-application. Barron moved to allow the pre-application to be complete and allow the Mayor and Clerk to sign necessary documents, second by Sebenaler and carried.
Liquor Store Manager, Jen Rice, requests that the council allow the Liquor Store to be open on November 8, 2015 for a hunting brunch event. Barron moved to allow the Liquor Store to be open November 8, 2015 and to allow the Mayor and Clerk to sign the MN Sunday opening application, second by Nordin and carried.
Clerk requested that the city accept the State Records Retention Schedule as setup by the State Records Disposition Panel, if adopted this also allows that any future changes to the schedule are automatically included for city purposes. Sebenaler moved to adopt the State Record Retention Schedule, second by Barron and carried.
Sebenaler and the clerk reported that they had met with the surveyor, and Attorney’s Hanson and Malm regarding the Section of Central Avenue North of Alaska street, to discuss the surveyor’s information and recommendations. At this time the attorneys are working on the next phase of notifications to concerned parties.
Hilman reports that the Fire Department furnace is in need of replacement with a fuel efficient furnace and has received a quote of $1500.00 from ProGas HVAC. Sebenaler moved to allow Progas HVAC to replace the fire department furnace, second by Nordin and carried.
Being no further business the council adjourned.
Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer Approved: Mike Olson, Mayor
Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School