The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center. The following persons were present: Mayor Mike Olson; Council members Jim Hilman, Kathy Bernstrom and Faye Potrament. Luke Nordin was absent. Also, present Anna Jauhola with the Kittson County Enterprise.
Bernstrom moved to approve the September 9, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes, second by Potrament and carried. A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.
The council reviewed the October 2020 bills presented this night and any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2020 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule. Hilman moved to approve the bills, second by Potrament and carried. An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.
Scot Olson, Kittson County Emergency Management Director, met with the council to discuss a proposed Mutual Aid Agreement that Olson has developed with Kittson County Fire Departments and the Manitoba Municipalities of Emerson-Franklin and Stuartburn. The agreement will help the agreeing Fire Departments to cross borders to more effectively answer fire calls. Potrament moved to enter into the Mutual Aid Agreement and allow the Mayor and Fire Chief to execute the agreement, second by Bernstrom and carried.
Casey Faken, Fire Chief; Tyler Swenson, Chris Johnson and Brian Hanson, Firemen met with the council to discuss applying for a washer/extractor grant from MN Department of Public Safety in the amount of $10,839.85. The maximum grant is $10,000.00 and if accepted the city fire fund would need to provide 10% of the $10,000.00 plus the additional amount above $10,000.00. The Grant must be submitted by October 20, 2020. Scot Olson suggested that he could apply for CARES Act monies from Kittson County for the washer/extractor and also that he would ask for additional monies for SCBA Masks for the Fire Department. The council asked Olson to apply to the Kittson County Board for these items. Bernstrom moved to apply for the Washer/Extractor grant in case Kittson County did not approve the washer/extractor expenditure as the grant must be submitted shortly, second by Hilman and carried.
Faken discussed the need for a Rescue Truck for firemen to suit up with air packs; to allow for the heating and cooling of firemen and others in adverse weather conditions. The department has located a used rescue truck in Canada that fits the department’s needs. The cost of the truck is $50,000.00 in U.S. dollars. Discussion was held on the financing of the truck. Potrament moved to allow the purchase of the truck for $50,000.00 to be paid if full from the Fire Fund, second by Bernstrom and carried.
Firemen discussed some building repairs and possibility of adding on to the Fire Hall with the council.
Council discussed that the Election Canvassing Board cannot be held on November 9th as previously set due to the extended time for mailed in ballots to be counted by the county. The county canvassing board will be held on November 13th and the city board needs to beheld after that date. Bernstrom moved to set the Election Canvassing Board for November 19, 2020 at 4:30 PM, second by Potrament and carried.
Council discussed a tree that needs to be removed in the gazebo park. Olson will direct maintenance to have this completed.
USDA has requested that the city execute a Request for Notice of Default regarding the grant of rehabilitation monies made by the City of Lancaster to Lancaster Homes, Inc. Hilman moved to agree to the request and allow the Mayor to execute the document, second by Potrament and carried.
Council discussed purchasing additional fire extinguishers for city buildings and an extinguisher cabinet for the city hall. Hilman moved to purchase the extinguishers and cabinet in an amount not to exceed $500.00, second by Bernstrom and carried.
Council discussed 2021 payroll and tabled.
Council also reviewed the September 2020 City and Liquor Store financial information.
As there was no further business the council adjourned.
Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer Approved: Mike Olson, Mayor
Approval Date: November 9, 2020
Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA