The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, October 12, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room. The following members were present: Olson, Hilman, Sebenaler and Nordin.
Sebenaler moved to approve the council minutes of the September 14, 2016 regular meeting, seconded by Nording and carried. A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.
The council reviewed the October 2016 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2016 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule. Hilman moved to approve the bills, second by Nordin and carried. An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.
Hilman moved to renew the land rent contract with Donald Burton for 2017 through 2019, for the same rental amount of $1736.00 per year to be paid annually on December 1, 2017; 2018 and 2019, second by Nordin and carried.
Council discussed the installation of WiFi at the city campgrounds. Installation and equipment costs are estimated to be $440.00 and the monthly charge will be $137.50. Hilman moved to proceed with the installation in the spring of 2017 and increase monthly rental fees $10.00 per month and prorate increase to weekly and daily amounts, second by Sebenaler and carried.
Council opened the garbage quotes from Northern Sanitation and Anderson Sanitation. Hilman moved to accept the quote from Anderson Sanitation for individual and commercial garbage pickup as it was the lowest at $6.88/quarter and $7.95/cubic yard respectively for the years of 2017, 2018 and 2019, second by Nordin and carried.
Council discussed Township Fire Contracts for 2017 through 2019; budgets and DNR fire contract. The Mayor moved the meeting with the township officers to November 29th from November 30, 2016 at 7:00PM in the City Hall. Clerk will send out notices.
Mayor reported that a used SCBA tank fill station became available on short notice from Hopkins Fire Department for $5,000.00 and that he had authorized the purchase as it might not be available at a later date and would save the fire department around $25,000.00. The Fire Chief also requests to purchase 4 used Fill Station tanks to go with the SCBA fill station at an approximate cost of $3,400.00 and to include reimbursing the cost of gas to pickup the tanks. Sebenaler moved to approve the fill station purchase of $5,000.00 and the $3,400.00 for the tanks, second by Hilman and carried.
Hilman moved to donate the old fill station and tanks to fire departments in need, second by Sebenaler and carried.
Kevin Johnson, Lowell Johnson, Karen Johnson and Michelle Mukhter requested to purchase the lot and ½ directly behind the house on 3rd Street as was offered to other persons building homes in the Lancaster Addition. Hilman moved to sell Lot 1 and West ½ of Lot 2, Block 2 Lancaster Addition for $500.00 to Kevin Johnson, Lowell Johnson, Karen Johnson and Michelle Mukhter and the city pays for deed drafting and deed tax, buyer’s pay for recording fees with no abstract to be provided, second by Nordin and carried.
Council members each took bank statements from Prime Security Bank, United Valley Bank and 4M Fund to review.
Council discussed employee payroll and benefits for 2017. Clerk was directed to calculate the cost of 1 step for eligible employees and 2% longevity pay for employees currently on maximum step 10 of the system for the November meeting.
Council reviewed the September 2016 City and Liquor Store financial information.
Irene Wynne, Wynne Consulting, requested that the council adopt the SCDP Program Income Plan and Section 3 Plan for the housing rehab grant. Sebenaler moved to accept the Program Income Plan and Section 3 Plan, second by Nordin and carried.
Being no further business the council adjourned.
Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer Approved: Mike Olson, Mayor
Approval Date: 11/10/2016
Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School