The Lancaster City Council met for its
regular meeting on Wednesday, October 13, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. in the
City Hall. The
following members were present: Rice, Olson, Swenson and Stenquest.
Nordin was absent.
Olson moved to approve the minutes of the
September 8, 2010 Regular meeting, seconded by Swenson and
carried. A copy of the Minutes will be
posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available
upon request to the clerk.
The council reviewed the October 2010 Bills
to be paid. Swenson moved to approve the bills for payment, second
by Olson and carried.
An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are
available upon request to the clerk.
Council discussed and asked questions of the
4 interviewed applicants, Randall Masloski, Kevin Johnson, Mark
Dietz and Scott Ruud for the Public Works Director. Stenquist moved offer
the position to Kevin Johnson with a starting salary of $15.75per
hour with a start date of Nov. 15, 2010, second by Olson and
Council reviewed the most recent changes to
the employee handbook.
Olson moved to accept the handbook as presented, second by
Swenson and carried.
Clerk informed the council that the Fire
Contract multi-year agreement with the townships ends in 2010 and
that a meeting should be held with the townships and fire department
representatives to discuss the following year’s contract rates. Olson moved to set the meeting date for
December 7, 2010 at 7:00PM at the Fire Hall, second by Stenquist and
Rice reported that he had sent request for
proposals for 3 year contract to haul the city garbage to the
following contractors; Les’s Sanitation, Anderson Sanitation,
Northern Sanitation and Spruce Valley.
The council discussed the 2011 General Levy
and Budget and directed the clerk to revise the levy to $62,000 an
increase of $5,000 from the previous year. This increase will only
replace the loss in market value state aid from 2010 and will do
nothing to make up for
the possible cuts to
Local Government Aide for 2011.
Clerk presented the revised Elected Official
and Employee Travel Policy for the council’s review. Olson moved to accept the
Elected Official and Employee Travel Policy as presented, second by
Swenson and carried.
Rice reported that the survey sent to city
residents did not help the city qualify for any additional grants
for the community center project.
Stenquist moved to allow the clerk to attend
a regional clerk’s meeting in Moorhead on October 15th,
second by Olson and carried.
Clerk reported that the city has qualified
for $3,593.63 in FEMA monies for the flooding in June 2010. Swenson moved to accept the
money and allow the Clerk and Mayor to sign the corresponding
SubGrant Agreements,
second by Stenquist and carried.
The council discussed the purchase of an
additional Welcome to Lancaster sign for County road 6 on the west
side of Lancaster. The
estimated cost of the sign from Sign Design the same company that
manufactured the other cedar signs is $3,000.00. Olson moved to make a request of
the American Legion Post #214 Gambling Fund in the amount of
$3,000.00 for the sign project, second by Swenson and carried.
Clerk reported that the sewer fund is running
short of cash and that the water fund has an excess. Stenquest move to
transfer $25,000.00
from the water fund to the sewer fund, second by Swenson and
Council discussed whether to transfer funds
from the Liquor Store fund to the General fund. The council also discussed
the fact that there are remodeling and cooler upgrades that are
needed for the Liquor Store.
Stenquist moved that a Certificate of Deposit in the amount
of $20,000.00 be purchased for the Liquor Store remodeling project
and that the CD be
designated for remodeling and upgrades, second by Olson and
Council reviewed the September City and
Liquor Store financial information. Council discussed that the
liquor store cost of goods for resale is out of balance with sales. Stenquist will discuss this
with the Liquor Store manager.
Clerk presented a Multi-year Audit Agreement
with Hoffman, Dale & Swenson, PLLC for the years 2010, 2011 and
2012. The cost of the
Annual Audit will be $5,100.00 per year. Stenquist moved to accept the proposal and
allow the clerk and mayor sign the agreement and the 2010 Audit
engagement letter, second by Olson and carried.
Council discussed the 2011 employee payroll
rates. Stenquist
moved to raise all employees salaries by 3% effective for hours worked
after January 1, 2011, second by Olson and carried.
Olson moved to set the General Election
Canvassing Board meeting for November 10, 2010 at 7:15PM at the
Lancaster City Hall, second by Stenquist and carried.
Council Adjourned as there was no further
council business.
Carol Johnson