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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, November 14, 2022 at 7:00 P.M.  The following persons were present: Acting Mayor Faye Potrament; Council members Kathy Bernstrom, John Stenquist remotely and Luke Nordin, remotely.  Remote presence due to COVID issues and allowed by MN State Statute 13D.02.

Also present Anna Jauhola, Kittson County Enterprise reporter.

Council then started it’s 2022 Canvassing Board as required.  Potrament read the 2022 election results.   Elected as Mayor, Mike Olson.  Elected for 2- 4 year Council positions, Kathy Bernstrom and Krista Olson.  Elected  for 1 – 2 year Council position, Jackson Peterson.  Motion by Nordin to accept the abstract of votes and allow board members to sign, second by Stenquist.  Voting in favor: Nordin, Stenquist, Bernstrom and Potrament.  Against: none.

As there was no further business for the Canvassing Board Acting Mayor, Potrament closed the canvassing board.

Council resumed the regular council meeting at this time.

Bernstrom moved to approve the October 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes, second by Stenquist.  Voting in favor: Nordin, Stenquist, Bernstrom and Potrament.  Against: none. A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the November 2022 bills presented and other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2022 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule.  Stenquist moved to approve the bills, second by Nordin.  Voting in favor: Nordin, Stenquist, Bernstrom and Potrament.  Against: none.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request.

Council tabled 2023 payroll rates discussion until December meeting.

Council discussed delaying sewer project on Central Avenue and making changes to 2023 budget number to reflect less use of reserves.   Tabled until December meeting.

Potrament reported on meeting with US Border agents regarding port of entry hours and Clerk discussed correspondence sent to Senators Smith & Klobachar and Governor Walz.

Stenquist moved to adopt Resolution 2022-05 Designating Polling Place for 2023 as the Kittson County Courthouse, second by Nordin.  Voting in favor: Nordin, Stenquist and Potrament.  Against: Bernstrom. 

Bernstrom Oil Co. has submitted a 2023 renewal application for a 3.2 Off Sale Liquor license and Certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance.  Bernstrom moved to approve the license and allow Mayor and Clerk to execute all documents, second by Stenquist.  Voting in favor: Nordin, Stenquist, Bernstrom and Potrament.  Against: none.

League of MN Cities cost of 2023 safety training will be $742.50 annually.  Bernstrom moved to continue with the League’s safety program, second by Stenquist.  Voting in favor: Nordin, Stenquist, Bernstrom and Potrament.  Against: none.

Council reviewed the city financials for October.

Stenquist reported that Shannon Bowlin has requested an extension on her leave of absence as Liquor Store Manager of up to January 2, 2023 but she will return sooner if possible.  Motion Stenquist to approve Bowlin’s leave of absence up to January 2, 2023, second by Bernstrom.  Voting in favor: Nordin, Stenquist, Bernstrom and Potrament.  Against: none.

Being no further business Acting Mayor closed the meeting.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                         Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor 

Approval Date:  Dec. 14, 2022






Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA


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