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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Thursday, November 12, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following members were present: Olson, Sebenaler, Hilman and Barron.  Nordin was absent.

Barron moved to approve the council minutes of the October 14, 2015 regular meeting, seconded by Hilman and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the November 2015 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2015 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule. Sebenaler requested to add the invoice from Macqueen Equipment in the amount of $29,000.00 for the 1995 street sweeper.    Hilman moved to approve the bills, second by Barron and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Clerk reported the bids for the city equipment as $1202.00 for the John Deere Loader; $125.00 for the snow blower and no bids for the microwave convection oven.  Motion by Barron to accept the $125.00 bid by Matthew Voeltz, second by Sebenaler and carried.  Hilman moved to reject the bid of $1202.00 and offer the John Deere Loader to the only bidder for $2,000.00, second by Sebenaler and carried.  Barron moved to allow the Liquor Store Manager to sell the microwave convection oven for the best price available, second by Hilman and carried.

Barron moved to issue a 2016 3.2 off-sale liquor license to Bernstrom Oil Company and allow clerk and mayor to sign documents, second by Hilman and carried.

Sebenaler moved to request $1000.00 from the Lancaster Legion Gambling Fund for fire department equipment and training, second by Hilman and carried.

Council reviewed the October 2015 City and Liquor Store financial information and daily sales averages for the liquor store.

Barron has requested to purchase an artificial Christmas tree and tree decorations for the Community Center.  Hilman moved to allow Barron to purchase the tree and decorations not to exceed $300.00, second by Sebenaler.

The city fire department has two large generators one of which is nonfunctioning at this time.   Council discussed that it would be very useful to have the second generator for various fire department and city emergency functions.   Hilman moved to have the generator fixed and the cost of the repairs would be covered by the city general fund, second by Sebenaler and carried.

Sebenaler reports that the State of Minnesota is designing a culvert project on Highway 59 that would make it necessary for the city to clean the ditch on the north side of US Highway 59 starting at the railroad tracks going north to the 59 park.    He will keep the council updated on the project status.

Olson reports that the City of Kennedy is interested in purchasing the old street sweeper.  Barron moved to offer the street sweeper to the City of Kennedy for $500.00, second by Sebenaler and carried.

Council discussed the League of MN Cities Insurance Trust Property and Liability renewal for 2016-2017.   Clerk was directed to obtain a quote from the League for the liquor liability also as the League now writes this type of coverage.

The council wishes to thank the Lancaster Reunion/Centennial Committee for the $3000.00 donation to the community center fund.

Being no further business the council adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                         Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor








Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School


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