The Lancaster City Council met virtually for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Meeting Room. The following persons were present: Mayor Mike Olson; Council members Jim Hilman, Kathy Bernstrom and Faye Potrament and Luke Nordin. Also, present Anna Jauhola with the Kittson County Enterprise.
Potrament moved to approve the April 15, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes, second by Hilman and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining. A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.
The council reviewed the May 2020 bills presented this night and the clerk informed the council that the True North lawn mower cost increased $676.35 for a necessary part for the mower; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2020 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule. Bernstrom moved to approve the bills second by Hilman and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining. An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.
Clerk discussed that at this time some of the revolving loan recipients have not requested the loan deferrals but would like the council to extend the time to apply so if a loan recipient finds that they wish to apply for the deferral is would still be available. Bernstrom moved to keep the application period open for 6 months, second by Hilman and passed on a roll call vote with Hilman, Bernstrom and Olson voting in favor, none against; Nordin and Potrament abstaining.
The following revolving loan recipients have requested the 6 month loan deferral option: J&S Foods; Whitminn LLC; Roxanne Kulyk and Hanson Hardware LLC. Bernstrom moved to allow loan payment deferrals to the applicants, second by Hilman and passed on a roll call vote with Hilman, Bernstrom and Olson voting in favor, none against; Nordin and Potrament abstaining.
Olson reported that he has received Municipal Service Co. in the amount of $20,200.00 for the concrete work on the lagoon control structure not including the gates. The gates are ordered from Core & Main and are estimated to cost $4,200.00. Council discussed the Municipal Service Co quote and asked that Olson try to obtain another quote for the next meeting.
Council discussed the opening date for the campgrounds. Potrament moved to open the campground when the State allows and limit the number of persons allowed to use the shower/bathroom facility to one family unit per time, second by Bernstrom and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor.
Council discussed the rental of the Community Center and City Hall to groups of 10 or less. Bernstrom moved to allow the City Hall to be rented by groups of 10 or less with no access to the kitchen, second by Nordin and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor.
Clerk reported that TC Energy (formerly TransCanada Energy) has approved a grant of $5,080.00 to the city for fire department FLIR Camera and a spray nozzle. Potrament moved to accept the $5,080.00 TC Energy grant, second by Bernstrom and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor.
Council discussed the proposal by flower caretakers Cheri Sullivan and Kristi Vasquez for the Gazebo park and other areas. Potrament moved to allow up to $800.00 for perennials and flower bed improvements, and to allow Sullivan & Vasquez to pressures was and stain the gazebo and fence, second by Bernstrom and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor.
Council discussed that the gazebo needs to be shingled and that work needs to be completed before the staining. Nordin moved to obtain quotes and proceed with the low quote if it doesn’t exceed $3,500.00, second by Bernstrom. Nordin, Bernstrom and Potrament voting in favor, none against and Hilman abstaining.
Clerk informed Council that an individual has paid back grant funds due to a house transfer to the city of a housing rehabilitation grant. The rules of the grant are that the city must hold the money in a special revenue fund to for to make new housing grants and for additional grant administration fees. Potrament moved to set up a restricted use Housing Rehab Fund, second by Nordin. Nordin, Hilman and Potrament voting in favor, none against and Bernstrom abstaining.
Clerk requested to hire Wynne Consulting to administer the additional rehab grant program funds. Nordin moved to hire Wynne Consulting, second by Hilman. Nordin, Hilman and Potrament voting in favor, none against and Bernstrom abstaining.
Council discussed water and sewer account late fees and shutoffs. Bernstrom moved to defer all shutoffs and not charge late fees until October 1, 2020, second by Potrament and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor.
Council discussed placing banners of the 2020 graduates on the main street light poles. Hilman and Zondagh will work on this project.
A quote was obtained for a commercial door for the east entrance into the Liquor Store from TR Glass with a Liquor Store logo on the glass for $2,750.00. Nordin moved to accept the quote with a not to exceed limit of $3,000.00 for any additional parts needed, second by Hilman and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor.
Olson discussed the need for gravel in some areas and will have gravel placed in those areas.
Bernstrom will work on Lancaster signs to the North and West of town.
Council also reviewed the April 2020 City and Liquor Store financial information.
Bernstrom moved to set a public hearing for the close out of the Small Cities Housing Rehabilitation Grant for June 10, 2020 at 7:15PM, second by Nordin and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor.
Council discussed COVID-19 issues and impacts within the community. Potrament moved to send the Governor a letter asking for a more regional approach to further Governor’s orders and to find ways to help small businesses serve their local communities, second by Bernstrom and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor.
As there was no further business the council adjourned.
Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer Approved: Mike Olson, Mayor
Approval Date: June 10, 2020
Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA