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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, May 9, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall.  The following members were present: Rice, Olson, Swenson, Barron and Stenquist.   


Swenson moved to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2012 annual meeting, second by Stenquist and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.


Gordy Dale auditor, with Hoffman, Dale & Assoc., presented the council with the 2011 audit.  Dale reviewed various documents within the audit.  He reported that the only issue is the cities lack of employees to separate financial jobs within the city.  He stated that the review of bank statements and bills that the council does is very important to maintain financial integrity.


Sebenaler also recommends that the riprap on the lagoon be completed as soon as possible to avoid water and wind erosion.  Sebenaler has an estimate of $10,000.00 from Anderson Bros. Construction.  Barron moved to allow Anderson Bros. Construction to install riprap the lagoon, second by Stenquist and carried.


 Tom Sebenaler met with the council to discuss extending water to 13 more campsites in the city campground.  The estimated cost is less than $600.00 and the work would be completed by Sebenaler and Zondagh.  Stenquist moved to allow the water extension, second by Barron and carried.


Sebenaler discussed the south end lift station issues and the sewer line repairs on 1st Street West. 


The council reviewed the May 2012 Bills to be paid.  Stenquist moved to approve the bills for payment, second by Olson and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.


Clerk reminded the council about the Community Center Pre-bid meeting May 10, 2012 and May 17, 2012 both at 2:00PM at the City Hall.


Kittson County is working on updating the 5 year hazard mitigation plan and the city can participate with the county or would have to develop their own plan.  Olson moved to participate with the county hazard mitigation plan and authorize the clerk to execute the agreement, second by Barron and carried.


The Council reviewed the final county commissioner redistricting information received from the Kittson County Auditor.


Council reviewed the April City and Liquor Store financial information, Liquor Store Daily sales and gambling reports.  


Council set Liquor Store Inventory for July 1, 2012 at 2:00PM.


Mike Olson reported that the fire department is working on specs for a fire truck.  He reported that there is a need for a 20% down payment to hold a truck.  The council would need to act fast if an appropriate truck is found.


Council Adjourned as there was no further council business.



Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer








Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School

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