The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, March 9, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room. The following members were present: Olson, Hilman, Barron and Sebenaler. Nordin was absent.
Barron moved to approve the council minutes of the February 10, 2016 regular meeting, seconded by Sebenaler and carried. A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.
Keith & Dana Wojciechowski representing Wojo’s Rodeo met with the council to discuss the possibility of having another rodeo this summer in Lancaster. Donald Burton has given permission for the rodeo to be on his lots south of Central Avenue and Wojciechowski’s are requesting that the City allow the bleachers to be placed on 2nd street in order for there to be a larger arena and also asked for $2,000 for rodeo performer’s prizes and awards. Council is in support of the rodeo and agrees to the use of the street and also suggested visiting with Business Association regarding dates & monetary support.
Arlen Nordin, representing PodCo, LLC, met with the council to discuss the need for expansion of their facility and property to expand to the north of their present building along US Highway 59. The council and Arlen discussed how much land Podco would be need of the cities property. George Zondagh, city maintenance, was also present and stated that the city needs to keep the access road on the north side of the city property and at a minimum at least 50 feet on the south side of the new lift station for maintenance. There was discussion that the property lines are not accurate and that a survey to establish the southerly boundary of the cities property would be best. Mayor also mentioned that he would like a surveyor to establish the south boundary line of the Lancaster Cemetery as the property to the south will be farmed and all parties should know where the Cemetery property line is. Barron moved to hire a surveyor to establish the city property lines on the Highway 59 property and the cemetery, second by Hilman carried. Sebenaler will work with a surveyor on this matter.
Council and Zondagh reviewed Maguire Iron quote to scrap and paint the water tower this summer for $33,250.00. The city has a current 5 year contract with Maguire Iron to do the interior cleaning and is scheduled to do that work this summer. Clerk reported that the budgeted amount for this was $30,000.00, reserves would be used to fund the extra amount. Barron moved to accept the quote from Maguire Iron, second by Sebenaler and carried.
The council reviewed the March 2016 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2016 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule. Sebenaler moved to approve the bills, second by Barron and carried. An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.
Clerk presented 2 quotes for liquor liability coverage for Liquor Store. Both quotes were for coverage amounts in the following increments $300,000; $500,000 and $1,000,000. The quote from Sjostrand Agency (Bjornson/Sentinel E&L) was the low quote in all 3 increments. The council discussed that the current coverage amount is $300,000 but having the additional coverage of $500,000 would be better. Sebenaler moved to accept the quoted from Sjostrand Agency, second by Hilman and carried.
Council discussed Fire Chief, Faken’s request to adopt the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for the Fire Department. This system sets uniform national standards for emergency agencies in their command, control and communications and is also necessary for possible FEMA grants. Hilman moved to adopt the NIMS standards in regards to the Lancaster Volunteer Fire Department, second by Sebenaler and carried.
Clerk presented the 2016-17 Fire Contract information with the 3% increase per year that was previously approved for the 3 year period ending March 2017. The City appropriation per that agreement would be $6,249.53. Hilman moved to transfer $6,249.53 from the city general fund to the Fire Fund for 2015, second by Barron and carried
Council set the 1st Quarter Liquor Store Inventory for April 3, 2016 at 1:00PM.
Clerk reported that Mark & Megan Przekwas had requested that the city share in a portion of their sewer repair on their property on 3rd Street. Council discussed that city policy is that the homeowner is responsible for all repairs to the sewer line from the riser branching off of the main sewer line to land owners house or business. Sebenaler reported that this repair was between the riser and the home. The council will follow city policy and Olson will speak to the homeowners regarding the matter.
Airborne Mosquito Control requested that the city enter into a mosquito spraying agreement in order for them to have their spray permits in place for summer mosquito control. There is no commitment for number of applications only a quoted price and permitted area, so no cost to the city unless spraying is needed. Hilman moved to allow the Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreement, second by Sebenaler and carried.
Council reviewed the February 2016 City and Liquor Store financial information and daily sales averages for the liquor store.
Sebenaler reviewed Nuisance Ordinance sample definitions with the council. Clerk was directed to work on adding definitions to the ordinance for the council to review.
Olson reported that the Fire Department has found that 4 communications radios are unaccounted for and that this loss has been reported to the Kittson County Sheriff’s Office and the matter is in the process of being investigated.
Being no further business the council adjourned.
Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer Approved: Mike Olson, Mayor
Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School