The Lancaster City Council met for its
regular meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the
City Hall Meeting Room.
Members present were Mayor, Michael Olson; council members
Mary Barron, Luke Nordin and Jim Hilman. John Stenquist was
Barron moved to approve the council minutes
of the February 13, 2013 regular meeting, seconded by Hilman and
carried. A copy of the Minutes will be
posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available
upon request to the clerk.
The council reviewed the March 2013 bills to
be paid. Clerk reported that the Culinex kitchen suppy cost exceeded
the $500 approved at the February meeting because of additional
items need in the amount of $118.18. Nordin moved to approve the
bills and additional Culinex cost as presented for payment, second
by Barron and carried.
An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are
available upon request to the clerk.
The council discussed that the size of the
new dumpster purchased is barely any larger than the previous
dumpster. The clerk
reported that Anderson Sanitation is will to exchange the 4 yard
dumpster for the 6yard dumpster at the previously quoted price of
$1600 and they would then bill the city for the $500.00
difference. Barron
moved to purchase the 6 yard dumpster and return the 4 yard
dumpster, second by Nordin and carried.
Chuck Olsonoski with the Lancaster Fire
Relief Association met with the council to report on the
Associations finances.
The association’s pension are all fully funded and the assets
are held as Cerificates of Deposits at local banks. The Firemen upon retiring
are eligible for $500.00 per each year of active service for the
fire department.
Arlen Nordin, PodCo LLC CEO, met with the
council to request that the city execute a subordination to
Northwest Regional Development Commision. The subordination is on new
equipment purchased in 2012 only. The city did not loan Podco
any money for this equipment and the original equipment that the
city loaned Podco money for is still in place and being used. This essentially overrides
the blanket UCC that the city put in place for security for the new
equipment only. Barron
moved to accept the Subordination and allow the Mayor and Clerk to
execute the Subordination, second by Hilman and carried. Nordin abstained.
Barron reported that the council did another
walk through of the Community Center to check on the progress being
made with the final check list items that need correcting. Most items have been
addressed but there is still some work to be completed.
Jen Rice, Liquor Store Manager, reported that
the snow needed to be removed from the area above the Liquor Store
south door and also that the liquor store dumpster should be moved
closer to the west sidewalk in order for cleaning person to dump the
garbage cans easier.
Hilman will talk to Zondagh about these issues.
Rice also requested the council’s approval to
hold a176 Keys dueling pianos music and comedy show on Nov.
29th , 2013.
The cost is $4225.00 with a discount of $211.25 net due of
$4013.75 if paid now.
The Liquor Store will sell 165 advance tickets at $25.00 each
to cover the shows cost.
Barron moved to contract with 176 Keys and pay $4,013.75 now
to confirm the date, second by Nordin and carried.
Hilman moved to purchase 2 24x48 tables for
the community center and a table cart, second by Barron and
Clerk reported that the Liquor Store
Inventory for the first quarter would need to be on March 31 and
that is Easter Sunday.
The council opted not to do the inventory for the first
Clerk reported that the city auditor
recommends that the city set up a Community Center Debt Service fund
for the future long term debt to be repaid to USDA. Hilman moved to set up a
Community Center Debt Service fund, second by Nordin and
Council discussed various community center
needs: coat rack, clock
etc. will work on these items at the next meeting
Clerk reported that Bear Graphix has a quoted
a price of $125 plus tax for a window decal for the city hall south
door indicating city hall and clerk’s office and the city hall
address. Barron moved
to accept the quote, second by Nordin and carried.
Barron reported that the Liquor Store remodel
work group has met and Nordin is working on a floor plan.
Nordin moved to use funds in the amount of
$2,222.65 from the community center savings to cover the costs of
kitchen supplies paid for in the February bills, second by Barron
and carried.
Clerk reported that she had completed the
2013 Fire Protection Contracts per the 2011 township and city
agreement and mailed the contracts to all townships that have fire
protection provided by the city. The total of township fire
contracts is $16,877.61and the city appropriation to the fire
department will be $5,719.19 for a total of $22,596.80. Barron moved to transfer the
city appropriation of $5,719.19 to the fire fund, second by Hilman
and carried.
Clerk reminded the council about the Annual
Fire Relief Association meeting on March 20, 2013 7:00PM at the Fire
Hall. Olson and Barron
will attend.
The Central Ave street light warranty period
has ended and Ottertail Power has presented the council with a
service contract for these pole amounting to 18.86/month. Barron moved to allow the
Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreement, seconded by Nordin and
Kittson Historical Society requests to hold genealogy
meetings in the City Hall
meeting room council agreed that this is a nonprofit
benefitting city residents so would not be charged for the
Council reviewed the February
2013 City and Liquor Store financial information. The Liquor Store average
daily sales are up substantially for January and
Clerk reported the Community Center Donations
and Fundraising to date is $59.204.10.
Barron requested to purchase a portable bar
with soda gun dispenser from Culinex for the Liquor Store with the
cost being $4543.65 plus tax and shipping. Barron has done considerable
price checking and has been unable to find anything cheaper. Nordin is going to try
interenet searchs for used etc. Barron reminded the council
that this is needed prior to an event scheduled May 11th and the
lead time for ordering is considerable.
The council discussed Steven Sjostrands
proposal to purchase land from the city on the east side of the golf
course for a campgrounds.
This will be tabled until the summer when the property can be
looked at.
Council Adjourned as there was no further
council business.
Carol Johnson Clerk/Treasurer
Other links: Lancaster Riverside
Golf Course |
Lancaster Public School