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 Minutes of June 9, 2021 Council Meeting

Mike Olson called the meeting to order.  Present were Faye Potrament, John Stenquist, Kathy Bernstrom and Mayor Mike Olson.  Brad Rice was absent.

Motion was made by Kathy Bernstrom to approve the May 12 minutes, second Faye Potrament.  Motion carried.

Motion to approve the bills was made by John Stenquist, seconded by Fay Potrament.  Motion carried.

Josh Carr presented a proposal for Mosquito Spraying for this year.  He felt that 6-8 sprays per year would be adequate.  The cost would be $950 to spray Golf Course and City per time; $650 to do only City and $350 to only do Golf Course; also to put a $10.50 fee on the water bill indicating that it is for Mosquito Spraying for each quarter added to bill; March, June, September and December.  Motion made by Kathy Bernstrom to go with the proposal of $950 each time sprayed and to add fee of $10.50 every quarter, second by Faye Potrament.  Motion carried.

Motion made to accept Rigg Electric updated bill made by Faye Potrament, second Kathy Bernstrom, motion carried.

Recovery Act funds, ask Shannon if she needs a computer to do the ordering.

Discussion on payroll increase for shift adjust for Friday Evening, Saturday and evening shift.  Motion to give $2.00 per hour increase for those shifts effective 6-1-21 made by Faye Potrament and second by Kathy Bernstrom.  Motion carried.

Cost of Living increase.  Motion to give all employees 5% increase for 6-1-21 – 12-31-2021 motion made by John Stenquist and second by Faye Potrament, motion carried.

Motion to cancel Covid Declaration of Emergency made by John Stenquist, second Faye Potrament, Motion carried.  Resolution 2021-01.

Motion made by John Stenquist approving permit applications to Kittson County to close parts of CSAH27 and CSAH6 for Lancaster City events Faye Potrament seconded, motion carried.  Resolution 2021-02.

Discussion about options for Payloader.  Motion was made to trade in the payloader for $15,000, purchase/lease John Deer 444 with bucket, finance 5 years at $16,361.52 per year after 5 years pay off or refinance the balance of $87,850 and then we would own it.  We will have 7 years of warranty, by John Stenquist, second by Faye, motion carried.

Inventory July 1 @6:30 a.m.

Meeting adjourned.

Kathy Bernstrom Acting Clerk                          Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor

Approval Date: July 14, 2021





Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA


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