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 The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following members were present: Olson, Hilman, Barron, Nordin and Sebenaler.

Barron moved to approve the council minutes of the May 11, 2016 regular meeting, seconded by Hilman and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the June 2016 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2016 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule.   Nordin moved to approve the bills, second by Sebenaler and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Richard Hilman and Greg Peterson met with the Council to request to purchase the lot and 1/2 behind each of the properties that they are interested in purchasing in the Lancaster Addition.  The current sale price of the lots bordering 3rd street is $500.00 and this price was set as an incentive for home construction with the requirement that a home be built on the lots.  The current estimate market value for a lot and ½ in the addition is approximately $4800.00 council discussed that the back lots would probably need to be sold at a higher amount due to the fact that a home would not be built on the lot if it was sold to adjacent landowners and that there would be considerable cost to extend infrastructure to the next area of development on 5th Street (west of Senior Housing) versus the back sides of 3rd street.  Council discussed that the sale of the backlots to existing homeowners would decreased the number of homes in the already platted area and then force the city to extend sewer, water and roads further south and this would be more costly than just hooking in to the stubbed out water & sewer connections on 3rd street as planned for the back lots bordering County Road 6 and 4th Street.  The matter was tabled by the Mayor until such time that more information regarding the costs of developing infrastructure on 3rd street to the back lots via the existing stubs in 3rdstreet versus extending sewer and water to 5th street.

Council discussed that due to the limited lots available for sale in Lancaster and that due to the current zoning setback regulations they should work to obtain the property just behind Lot 3 & 4, Block 1 Lancaster Addition to Lancaster to ensure that Block 1 in the Lancaster Addition would have enough space for the construction of 2 houses.   The current lot available there has 120 feet of 3rd Street frontage and this may limit who may wish to purchase this lot.  Clerk reported that in June 2015 the council had offered these lots to Shane Martin for $1000.00.  Sebenaler moved to rescind the offer, second by Hilman and carried.

Hilman moved to make an offer to Shane Martin of $3000.00 to purchase the area just north of the City Lots 3 &4, Block 1 starting a point at the northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 1 Lancaster Addition to Lancaster thence 80.42 feet north, thence 180 feet west, thence 80.42 feet south, thence 180 feet east to the point of beginning square up lots the city owns, second by Barron and carried.

Clerk reported that the city needs to advertise for an Administrative Consultant for the implementation of the DEED Small Cities Grant that it has received.  The administrative consultant will be responsible for implementation of all regulations, contractor review & hiring reporting to state during the grant period.  Sebenaler moved to advertise for 1 week in the legal section of the Kittson County Enterprise, proposal into the clerk’s office on July 8, 2016 to be acted upon at the council meeting July 13, 2016, second by Barron and carried.

Clerk reports that Prime Security Bank will be closing their Lancaster branch August 31, 2016.   Currently the city has the General Fund checking account and savings accounts.   Clerk would like to open a city checking account and various savings accounts at United Valley Bank as there is a need to make deposits at the minimum on a weekly basis and travel to Karlstad would be an extra draw on time and travel.  Barron moved to allow the clerk to open a City checking account and savings account at United Valley Bank, second by Sebenaler and carried.

Council discussed transferring funds from the Liquor Store to the City for various large city projects.  Also, discussed were other transfers from the city general fund to sewer fund and debt service fund.  Barron moved to transfer $25,000.00 from the Liquor Store fund to the city general fund; 18,925.00 from the general fund to the sewer fund; $21,075 from general fund to debt service fund, second by Hilman and carried.

Mayor set 2nd Quarter Liquor Store inventory June 26, 2016 at 7:00PM.

Clerk reported that MN Association of Small Cities has been beneficial for small cities and that the membership dues would be $273.00 if the council wishes to join.  Sebenaler moved to join the MN Association of Small Cities, second by Barron and carried.

Clerk reported that Kittson County Fair Board made a donation request.  No action was taken.

Council reviewed the May 2016 City financial information Liquor Store information is not available due to the early council meeting date and will be presented to council as soon as possible.

Sebenaler reports that the city attorney has reviewed the Nuisance Ordinance and recommends that the ordinance be left as is.

Sebenaler has received quotes for the 2 block milling and paving overlay on 5th Street starting at Highway 59 and ending at Central Avenue.   Knife River Materials quote is $60,817.50 and Taggart Contracting quote is $61,000.00.  Sebenaler recommends using Taggart Contracting as their quote also includes a patch to the pavement.   Barron moved to accept the quote from Taggart Contracting, second by Hilman and carried.

Hilman requested to allow a tent to be set up on Community Center patio for the Leah’s Tourney event and then for it to be left up through Heritage Days at no cost to the city, council agreed.

Clerk reported that the 2015 state demographer’s population estimate is 346 and household estimate is 167 up 4 on population and 2 on households from 2014.

Hanson Manufacturing correspondence regarding the loan owed to the revolving loan fund was reviewed and Olson will speak with Hanson to request more specifics on the loan status and repayment plan.

Roxanne Kulyk has requested to have the sidewalk on the south side of Foxy Roxy’s repaired.   The city policy is to share in 50% of the cost for sidewalk repairs in the downtown area upon approval of the cost by the council.  Kulyk will be directed to present a cost estimate to the council for their approval.

Being no further business the council adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer   Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor      Approval Date:  July 13. 2016








Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School


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