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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, June 10, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following members were present: Olson, Hilman, Sebenaler and Nordin. Barron attended at 8:30PM.

Shane Martin met with the council to request purchasing the 1/2 size lots Numbered 3 and 4 in Block 1, Lancaster Addition to Lancaster.   He has purchased the property adjoining these lots to the North.   The council discussed the fact that these two lots are only 59.58 feet deep and a house could not be built on 1 or both easily with the setback rules.  Clerk reported that there is a policy to assess on each lot sold in the Lancaster Addition a special assessment for the paving project $31.84/frontage footage.   For these lots that would amount to a $5,731.20 assessment to be paid over 20 years with 6% per annum interest applied.  There is also 2 rural water assessments that apply as there is a water hookup on these lots.  The 2 assessments total $1096.71 payable over 29 years with interest of 6% and 5.625% per annum.  Council discussed the fact that they do not want manufactured homes to be place on the lot and Shane stated that he wants to build a garage there.   Council discussed offering the lots at the same amount as offered to the other purchasers, requiring purchaser to pay all attorney fees and agree to all special assessments because of their small size this would be a good way to get the property on the tax rolls.   At this time Shane requested to get back to the council at a later date.

Judy Swenson met with the council to ask that the council not allow David Woulett to burn the remaining portion of his house that burnt in May 2015 as it is a danger to the Swenson’s directly to the South.   Council also discussed the hazard that the property presents as the partially burnt house is not secured with a fence.   Olson will ask insurance company to secure the property and inform Fire Chief that this property not be burnt by the fire department.

Deanne Westerberg met with the council to discuss the NW Minnesota Multi County House directly south of her home.  The grass doesn’t get mowed for many weeks at a time and the grass when mowed is directed on to her lawn and has created a lot of additional cleanup work for Deanne.  Sebenaler will speak to Multi County Housing regarding the maintenance of this property.

Susan Weaver met with the council to discuss drainage issues between her property and various adjoining properties.    Weaver was directed to speak to Two River Watershed regarding cleaning of the area were water stands during wet times.  Susan requested that the city cover rock the rocks on their property adjoining hers with some dirt in order to be able to mow the area.  This was agreed to and will be completed sometime in the future.

Keith Klegstad, representing the Kittson County Engineer, met with the council to discuss the County Highway 27 project in town.   The Engineer would like input from the council and business owners on whether they would support a reconstruction of the downtown area or just an overlay.   If CSAH 27 is rebuilt then the sidewalks would need to be removed and redesigned to comply with new handicapped accessibility requirements, including the new sidewalk in front of the community center and liquor store.   The rebuild of the sidewalks would not cost the city and adjacent landowners but could be an issue for ingress and egress for a couple of months.   The Rebuild would necessitate the movement of storm sewer catch basins and this would be a cost to the city, the cost would be prorated between the county and city based on a state formula.  Olson and Nordin will talk to the downtown business owners and see what they think about the rebuild issues.

Zondagh attended the meeting to discuss various maintenance issues and update the council on projects to be completed before the June All School Reunion.  Council discussed with Zondagh the need to repair the pavement in front of Mike Olson’s house.  Sebenaler will get an estimate for concrete to do this repair.

Karl Frigaard, representing Northwest Community Action, met with the council to discuss the possibility of providing some assistance to the city in administering the revolving loan fund.  Per Frigaard NW Community Action could help in reviewing financials, site visits and help loan recipients that might be having financial difficulties review options and find help from other agencies.    Council discussed if fees paid to NWCA could be paid from the Revolving Loan Fund.  Council directed the Clerk to contact the USDA for more information.

Hilman moved to approve the council minutes of the May 13, 2015 regular meeting, seconded by Barron and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the June 2015 bills presented this night and any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2015 Rates, Fees & Appointments Schedule.   Barron moved to approve the bills, second by Hilman and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Lancaster Centennial Committee had immediate need of a loan of $4,000.00 for down payments for various events during the All School Reunion.   Mayor directed the clerk to make this payment with council to approve.   Barron moved to approve the loan payout with repayment to be required by the Centennial Committee, second by Sebenaler and carried.

Sebenaler has received two quotes for the sewer repairs on Central Avenue but wants to review options due to the changes in the road repair work to CSAH 27 and no work to be done on CSAH 6 on Central Avenue.

Council discussed mosquito spraying, aerial or ground, before the All School Reunion due to the high numbers of mosquitos.    Sebenaler moved to purchase a ground spraying unit not to exceed $9,000.00, second by Nordin and carried.   But if none available emergency spraying may be implemented.

Fire Chief, Schmiedeberg, requests permission to sell a 1978 Econoline Ambulance (parts only-no title card); Red Ford Van (parts only-no title card); galvanized water tank; fuel tank and 6 wheel ranger (parts only-does not run).  Nordin moved to allow the fire department to advertise locally and return to the council with recommendations on the sales with proceeds to be deposited in the City of Lancaster Fire Fund, second by Sebenaler and carried.

Clerk reported that 2015 state legislation will increase the Local Government Aid amount by approximately $10,000.00.   These monies are a onetime allotment and are funded by state gas tax and vehicle plate fees to help small cities with street repairs.

Clerk reported that the state demographer’s April 1, 2014 population number for the City is estimated to be 342 down 1 from April 2013 estimate, and the estimated household number is 165 the same as the estimate in 2013.

Council reviewed the May 2015 City and Liquor Store financial information and daily sales averages for the liquor store.

Nordin reported that there is an individual interested in purchasing outlot #1 (old Swenson property on Highway 59) with the possibility that the lot will be used for a commercial business.   Nordin will work with the individual regarding this matter.

Council discussed painting the Centennial Hall.  Hilman offered to paint the building before the All School Reunion if someone else had the time power wash the Hall.  Barron moved to authorize the purchase of paint not to exceed $1000.00 for the Centennial Hall, second by Nordin and carried.

Sebenaler suggested adding 3-4 street lights south of the railroad tracks on US Highway 59 as the area is not well lit and there are quite a few people that walk and ride bike in that area.  Nordin moved to have Ottertail Power install 3-4 street lights as suggested, second by Barron and carried.

Council discussed placing 2 yield sign on 3rd Street at the intersection of 3rd  street and Minnesota Avenue as this intersection by the Covenant Church is very busy at times.  Nordin moved to have the Kittson county highway department install the yield signs as discussed, second by Sebenaler and carried.

Being no further business the council adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                         Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor








Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School


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