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The Lancaster City Council met virtually for its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following persons were present: Mayor Mike Olson; Council members Jim Hilman, Kathy Bernstrom and Faye Potrament and Luke Nordin.  Also, present Anna Jauhola with the Kittson County Enterprise and Roy Stenmark.

Potrament moved to approve the June 10, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes, second by Bernstrom and carried.  A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the July 2020 bills presented this night and any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2020 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule.  Hilman moved to approve the bills second by Nordin and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Roy Stenmark met with the council to request a repair on a washout of a culvert on River Road.   This road is shared responsibility with Granville township.  Olson will ask city maintenance to fix the spot with a temporary cover over the hole and gravel until the replacement culvert is installed.

Council reviewed the proposed Information Request Disclosure request form.  Potrament moved to accept and approve the use of the form, second by Nordin and carried.

Council discussed the Coronavirus Relief Fund monies; Lancaster’s allotment is $ 24,862.00 but the use of these funds is limited by Federal rules and any remaining funds not used by November 15,2020 must be paid over to Kittson County.  Hilman moved to apply for the Coronavirus Relief Fund monies, second by Bernstrom and carried.

Council discussed the need for additional outside tables; Potrament will speak to the school to see if this is a project the shop class would be able to complete.

Fire Chief requests to purchase fire gear with the cost not to exceed $2,200.00.   Potrament moved to allow the fire gear purchase, second by Bernstrom and carried.

George Zondagh has requested a temporary leave of absence from the fire department effective July 1, 2020.  Hilman moved to accept the temporary leave of absence for a period not to exceed 1 year, second by Nordin and carried.

Clerk reports that 2020 Election filing for city positions opens on July 28, 2020 and closes on August 11, 2020 at 5:00 PM.  The positions open are for Mayor, 2 year and 2 council positions (Nordin and Hilman) both are 4 year terms.

Council also reviewed the June 2020 City and Liquor Store financial information.

Potrament reported that Markit County Grain, LLC; Argyle MN has purchased $100.00 worth of gift cards from Foxy Roxy’s to be distributed within the City.  Clerk was directed to send a thank you.

Council discussed complaints of dog not being leashed as required in the city nuisance ordinance section 91.02.  Olson will speak to individual and provide the code section 91.02 regarding dogs.

Council discussed the cost of ground spraying of mosquitos of $900.00 per time including the golf course area.  The total due now to Josh Carr is $1,950.00.  Nordin moved to pay in full, second by Hilman.  Nordin moved to allow spraying for next 4 weeks with the golf course to pay ½ of the golf portion of $300.00, second by Hilman and carried.

Council discussed the proposed Welcome to Lancaster sign In Memory of Allen Clow paid for by the Clow Family.

They expressed the preference was the 2 sided sign with “Welcome and Come Again”.  Bernstrom will continue working with the Clow family.

Council discussed that the compost site and access road need to be built up higher due to excess rain and that there is fill from the street project at the site that can be used to do this.

Clerk reported that she has submitted the Preliminary Damage Assessment for the June flood event.  The state representative had indicated to her that any repairs needed to roads and lagoon access could be completed as the expenditure funds can be done before the claim is completed.   Clerk is also working with the insurance company for any portion of damages at the golf course that can be covered by the city property insurance.  Hilman moved to complete necessary road repairs to the manholes that undermined in the flood, second by Potrament and carried.

Council discussed the need for replacement of the frost jacket tubes on the central water tube and that the insulation is okay but the outside tube cannot be sandblasted and painted.  Maguire Iron has quoted the cost of the new aluminum frost jacket tubes are $6,900.00.  Bernstrom moved to approve the change order for Water Tower tubes, second by Nordin and carried.

Jason Langerud with J&S Foods, LLC has request to purchase the lot adjoining the south side of the grocery store for future expansion or event abilities.  The lot is very narrow; only 25 feet wide and the city is not able to use the lot for any particle purpose.   Potrament moved to sell Lot 3, Block 8 in Village of Lancaster for $500 with the city to pay attorney drafting fees and buyer to pay recording fees, with no abstract to be provided and that city is not providing a warranty of title, second by Nordin and carried unanimously.

As there was no further business the council adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor

Approval Date: August 12, 2020




Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA


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