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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following members were present: Olson, Hilman, Sebenaler and Nordin. Barron was absent.

Sebenaler moved to approve the council minutes of the June 10, 2015 regular meeting, seconded by Hilman and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the July 2015 bills presented this night and any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2015 Rates, Fees & Appointments Schedule.   Nordin moved to approve the bills, second by Sebenaler and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

The council discussed the County Highway 27 project regarding reconstruction of the downtown area or just an overlay.

Feedback from businesses is that the reconstruction project would be very disruptive and the cities cost of moving the storm sewer that is in good condition are not necessary. Hilman moved to recommend to the Kittson County Engineer that CSAH 27 be an overlay project, not reconstruction, second by Sebenaler and carried. Sebenaler will contact the Engineer regarding the cities recommendation.   He will also find out what type of fill-pavement the city will be required for the Central Avenue sewer project.   

Mark & Megan Prezkwas met with the council to discuss purchasing Outlot 1, in Bremer’s Addition, Prezekwas’s will come back to the council with an offer.   Prezkwas’s also discussed the possibility of obtaining a loan from the cities revolving loan fund.

Zondagh attended the meeting to discuss hiring McFarlane Heating/Air for the quoted price of $969.00 to do biannual maintenance on the Community Center mechanical.   Sebenaler moved to accept the McFarlane quote, second by Nordin and carried.

Also discussed with Zondagh the grindex pump at the lift station on the south end of town.  This pump is having some mechanical issues due to overuse and some materials flowing into the sewer.   The council discussed the various options for this lift station.   Sebenaler will look into the cost of replacing the pump with a lift the same as the others in town.  Zondagh reported that the street sweeper is in need of replacement as it is so old that parts are unavailable for needed repairs.

Discussion was held regarding use of the bleachers at the sports complex.  Sebenaler moved to set policy that the bleachers can only be borrowed with permission by the council and the bleachers must be returned immediately after the event and that damages to the bleachers will be assessed to the person borrowing the bleachers, second by Hilman and carried.

Council discussed the aerial spraying versus ground fogging for mosquitos. The aerial spraying in June was very effective and reduces staff time, equipment needs and training issues.  They also discussed future costs of mosquito spraying for budgeting purposes and whether to implement surcharge on water and sewer bills or to budget for the spraying or a combination of both.   Council directed clerk to build the costs of aerial spraying into the budget for 2016.

Council discussed 2016 budget needs and picked the priorities of Water tower repainting; 5th  Street overlay; Central Ave Sewer project completion; lift station and street sweeper.   Council also discussed salaries for 2016 and reviewed the spread between steps 4-7 as they are very minimal compared to steps 1-3.  Clerk was directed to use the infrastructure and equipment priorities and calculate the cost of a salary adjustment to step 4-7.   The 2016 budget will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Council discussed the breakdown of both Community Center heat pumps two days before the All School Reunion weekend.   Mayor approved the emergency replacement of the heat pumps with 2 air conditioning units due to all the activities in town the repair needed to be made as soon as possible.  Hilman moved to use funds from the community center savings for the repair time and new air units, second by Sebenaler and carried.

Council reviewed the June 2015 City and Liquor Store financial information and daily sales averages for the liquor store.

Council reviewed the bill of $19,600.00 from Casey Faken and Jim Hilman for the roofing projects due to the Hail damage. LMCIT insurance will cover the cost less $250.00 deductible.  Sebenaler moved to allow the bill for payment, second by Nordin and carried.   Hilman abstained.

Faken & Hilman presented the council with a quote of $3560.00 for concrete patch to fix pavement on 1st street by Mike Olson’s.   Sebenaler moved to accept the quote, second by Nordin and carried.  Hilman abstained.

Clerk reported that LMCIT now provides insurance coverage for lagoons for additional premium.   Sebenaler stated that rip rap lagoons don’t have a lot of issues.  Council discussed if this coverage is needed at this time and no action was taken.

Being no further business the council adjourned.

 Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                         Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor






Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School


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