The Lancaster City Council met for its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, January 9, 2019, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Meeting Room. The following members were present: Mike Olson, Mayor; Jim Hilman, Luke Nordin, Kathy Bernstrom and Faye Potrament.
The clerk administered the oath of office to the Mayor, Michael Olson, new council members Kathy Bernstrom and Faye Potrament. Clerk also presented all the council members with the City Code of Ethics Policy and Financial Disclosures for 2019. All council members completed the Financial Disclosures.
Council reviewed the proposed 2019 rates and fees schedule. Hilman moved to adopt the 2018 rates and fees schedule, seconded by Potrament and carried. The following is the complete 2019 rates and fees schedule:
Acting Mayor to act if Mayor absent: Faye Potrament
Fire Chief: Casey Faken $1,500.00 annual salary
Assistant Fire Chiefs: Tyler Swenson and Chris Johnson-no annual salary.
Responsibility areas: City buildings – Luke Nordin
City Services, City Employees & Equip –Jim Hilman
City Infrastructure-Mike Olson
Liquor Store – Mike Olson
Park/Recreation – Kathy Bernstrom
Fire Department – Jim Hilman
Emergency Management Director-Mike Olson Reimbursement Rate -0- (LCC code)
Board Appointments: Lancaster EDA-City Council-no appointed at large members
Kittson Co. Affordable Housing-Faye Potrament
Floodplain Board of Appeals/Adjustment-Mayor and Council
Council PerDiems (this includes committees and other classes/meetings attended)
Mayor – $150 per mtg.
Council – $100 per mtg.
Mileage – current IRS mileage rate
Official Newspaper: Kittson County Enterprise
Official Depositories: United Valley Bank; American Federal Bank; Border State Bank and 4M Fund (MN Municipal Money Market fund)
Officials allowed to sign checks and Certificates of Deposits: Mayor, Mike Olson; Acting Mayor, Faye Potrament, and Clerk/Treasurer, Carol Johnson with a minimum of 2 signatures required on each check.
Designated Business Administrator with the authority to make Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)-Clerk/Treas. Carol Johnson
Official Insurance Agent: Dan Sjostrand Agency
Insurance issues: The city does NOT waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by MN Statute 466.04.
City Adopts the MN Historical Society and State Archive records retention guidelines.
BUILDING RENTAL RATES: See rental rates sheet
Health Insurance maximum paid for Employee Individual coverage $425.00 per month.
Camping fees: Tent Site 15.00
Daily Electric 20.00
Weekly electric 95.00
Monthly electric 240.00 OR $1150 if paid in full by June 1st (covers May1st-Sept 30th camping season)
Permits:Peddlers daily 50.00
Beer 3.2 daily 50.00
Restaurant 3.2 Beer & Wine On-Sale Annual 250.00-effective licenses starting 1/1/2018
Off sale 3.2 Annual 250.00–effective licenses starting 1/1/2018
Clerk has approval effective each January 1 with the passing of the rates & fees schedule to pay any bills necessary to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses.
Mayor has ability to allow clerk to sign up to (4) Sunday Liquor Store events Department of Public Safety Temporary license applications where on-sale liquor and food maybe sold (no off-sale liquor) without further council approval.
Equipment rates: Payloader $150/hr.; John Deere Tractor & 10’ Rotary Mower $150/hr; John Deere Tractor & 8’ Rotary Mower
$125.00/hr & JD Front Mount Mower $125/hr.-Min. 1 hr. NOT FOR GENERAL HIRE-ONLY IF CITY FORCED TO DO WORK.
Effective 1/1/18 Water Rates: Minimum 6000 gallons and less $60.00/quarter and $6.75/each 1000 gallons used above the minimum. Sewer Rates: (Based on gallons of water used) Minimum 6000 gallons & less $60.00/quarter and $6.25/each 1000 gallon of water used above the minimum. INDUSTRIAL PARK SPECIAL SEWER RATE:(if water usage exceeds 30k) sewer rate is $18.80/1000 on all usage above 30k.
Bulk Water rates $9.35/1000 Gallon-minimum of 2000 Gal/$18.70 -- New account fee $35/Hookup fee $50.00.
Meter Damages fees: $150.00 for inside water meter and $50 for outside meter reader.
Insufficient Funds Check charges are $30.00/check and will be added to the customer’s water/sewer account
Interest rate on overdue accounts 10% per annum. Minimum fee $5.00/month.
Special Assessments: eff. 1/1/17: New Water Hookups $4,500.00, 20 yr. assessment with 5% interest per year & Effective 1/1/17 new Sewer Hookups $4,500.00, 20 yr. assessment with 5% interest per year. All Extensions will be reviewed by the council, and may at the councils discretion be charged higher Water & Sewer hookup fees. EXTENSIONS CAN BE DENIED.
NOTE: North Kittson Rural Water Special Assessments as applied to other city hookups also apply.
END of Rates & Fees
Megan Przekwas met with the council to discuss winter use of the trails in the Highway 59 Park. Prekwas asked that the trails be designated not for use by ATV’s; Rangers; dirt bikes and snowmobiles in the winter months. Bernstrom moved to bam ATV’s, Rangers, dirt bikes and Snowmobiles from November 15th to April 15th of each year in the Highway 59 Park and have signs posted in the park, second by Hilman and carried. Signs are to be posted.
Hilman moved to approve the Council minutes of the December 12, 2018 regular meeting second by Nordin and carried. A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.
The council reviewed the January 2019 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2019 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule. Nordin moved to approve the bills, second by Bernstrom and carried unanimously. An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.
Nordin moved to pay final per diems to Shannon Bowlin and Jesse Peterson for January1, 2019 inventory, second by Potrament and carried.
Council discussed floor stripping and waxing hourly rate that hasn’t increased since 2013. Potrament moved to raise the rate for services provided by Debbie Groves to $18.00 per hour for October-December 2018 to $18.00/hr., second by Hilman and carried. Hilman moved to increase waxing the rate to $25.00/hr. effective for hours worked after January 1, 2019, second by Bernstrom and carried.
Fire Chief, Casey Faken; Assistant Chiefs Tyler Swenson and Chris Johnson met with the council to discuss the purchase of a used 2001 Kenworth Fire Truck. The fire department would send two firemen to New York to look the truck over and finalize the purchase. Brian Hanson also was present to discuss a lease/purchase agreement with Border State Bank Leasing for the fire truck. He presented various options with differing down payments. Bernstrom moved to purchase the 2001 Kenworth Fire Truck for $50,000.00 pending visual approval by 2 firemen, second by Nordin and carried. Bernstrom moved to enter into a lease/purchase agreement with Border State Bank Leasing with a $20,000.00 down payment and pay 5 annual payments of $6,793.81 with an effective interest rate of 4.29% allowing Mayor and Clerk to execute all lease documents as per resolution 2019-1, second by Potrament and carried. At this time the council tabled any additional payments to USDA for the 2013 Fire Truck.
The Fire Chief also reported that the 1984 fire truck is not operational and has been taken out of service and put in storage. The council and fire department member also discussed reviewing the fire department policy and developing additional guidelines. Leaves of absence were discussed and noted that in order for the fire department to operate effectively leaves should be limited. Hilman moved that leaves of absence shall not exceed 1 year, second by Nordin and carried.
Council reviewed correspondence from Hanson Manufacturing regarding the 2 revolving loans to Hanson Manufacturing that are in arears. Council discussed various ways to restructure the loans. Bernstrom moved to refinance the $88,501.60 in principal remaining for 10 years with 1.5% interest rate with Mark Hanson to sign a personal guarantee and obtain life insurance with the city as a named insured, second by Hilman and carried.
AgriSports, Inc has sent correspondence that they will make revolving loan payments when possible.
Mayor Olson reported that that Michael & Megan Lindeman would agree to the reversion agreement for the land purchase from the city. Nordin moved to sell part of SE1/4, Section 12, T162 North, Range 48 West being 165 feet north-south and 252.6 feet east-west for $500.00 plus recording fees to be paid by purchaser, city to pay deed drafting and deed tax with no updated abstract to be provided; also the deed will have a ditch reservation for existing ditch and a reversion agreement that the purchasers will have a residential home exterior shell 70% completed within 2 years of date of sale and that if property reverts to city the buyer forfeits any inputs to the property, second by Hilman and carried.
Council also reviewed Council reviewed the December 2018 City and Liquor Store financial information.
Council reviewed items to be worked on list for new council members information.
Hilman reported that Liquor Store front door needs replacement. Council directed Nordin to order new door.
Clerk reported the Auditor suggests that the Economic Development fund has been inactive a number of years and that it would be a good idea to close the fund effective December 31, 2018. Bernstrom moved to close the Economic Development fund as of December 31, 2018 and transfer remaining funds of $229.31 to the general fund, second by Hilman and carried.
Clerk reported that representatives from the League of Minnesota Cities will be holding a lunch meeting in Hallock to share ideas and information for the League staff and local cities councils and staff members.
As there was no further business the council adjourned.
Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer Approved: Mike Olson, Mayor
Approval Date: February 13, 2019
Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School