The Lancaster City Council met for its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, January 14, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room. The clerk administered the oath of office to the Mayor, Michael Olson, council members Mary Barron and Tom Sebenaler. Clerk also presented the new council member with the City Code of Ethics Policy.
The following members were present: Olson, Barron, Nordin, Hilman and Sebenaler.
The council also completed and presented to the clerk Disclosure of Financial Interest Forms.
Nordin moved to approve the council minutes of the December 10, 2014 regular meeting, seconded by Hilman and carried. A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.
Council reviewed the proposed 2015 rates and fees schedule. Hilman moved to adopt the 2015 rates and fees schedule, seconded by Barron and carried. The following is the complete 2015 rates and fees schedule:
Acting Mayor if Mayor absent: Jim Hilman
Fire Chief: Keith Schmiedeberg $ 500.00 annual salary
Assistant Fire Chiefs: Casey Faken and Tyler Swenson- no annual salary
Fire Relief Assoc. Annual Meeting 1st Wednesday of each April 7:30 PM at the Lancaster Fire Hall
Responsibility areas: City buildings – Luke Nordin
City Services, City Employees & Equip –Jim Hilman
City Infrastructure-Tom Sebenaler
Liquor Store – Mary Barron
Park/Recreation – Michael Olson
Fire Department – Michael Olson and Jim Hilman
Board Appointments: Lancaster EDA-Michael Olson & Luke Nordin
Kittson Co. Affordable Housing-Mary Barron
Council Per Diems (this includes committees and other classes/meetings attended)
Mayor – $70 per mtg.
Council – $50 per mtg.
Mileage – current IRS mileage rate
Official Newspaper: Kittson County Enterprise
Official Depositories: United Valley Bank, Prime Security Bank & American Federal Bank
BUILDING RENTAL RATES: See rental rates sheet –Posted at City Hall & USPS
Camping fees: Tent Site 12.00
Daily Electric 17.00
Weekly electric 90.00
Monthly electric 230.00
Permits:Peddlers daily 50.00
Beer 3.2 daily 50.00
Restaurant 3.2 Beer & Wine On-Sale Annual 200.00-effective licenses starting 1/1/2014
Off sale 3.2 Annual 200.00–effective licenses starting 1/1/2014
Clerk has approval effective each January 1 with the passing of the rates & fees schedule to pay any bills necessary to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses.
Clean Recycling Bin $40/month & $7.25/hr for downtown garbage can cleaning-increased 7/1/10
Equipment rates: Payloader $150/hr.; John Deere Tractor & Rotary Mower $125/hr & Ford Mower $125/hr.-Min. 1 hr.
Insurance issues: The city does NOT waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by MN Statute 466.04.
Effective 1/1/15 Water Rates: Minimum 6000 gallons and less $48.00/quarter and $6.20/each 1000 gallons used above the minimum.
Effective 1/1/15 Sewer Rates: (Based on gallons of water used) Minimum 6000 gallons & less $48.00/quarter and $5.00/each 1000 gallon of water used above the minimum.
INDUSTRIAL PARK SPECIAL SEWER RATE (if water usage exceeds 30k) sewer rate is $15.00/1000 on all usage above 30k.
Bulk Water rates $8.50/1000 Gallon-minimum of 2000 Gal/$17.00 -- Water Hookup/New account fee $35.
Insufficient Funds Check charges are $30.00/check and will be added to the customer’s water/sewer account
Interest rate on overdue accounts 10% per annum.
Special Assessments: eff. 1/1/10: New Water Hookups $4,000.00, 20 yr. assessment with 5% interest per year & Effective 1/1/10 new Sewer Hookups $4,000.00, 20 yr. assessment with 5% interest per year. All Extensions will be reviewed by the council , and may at the councils discretion be charged higher Water & Sewer hookup fees.
NOTE: North Kittson Rural Water Special Assessments as applied to other city hookups also apply.
Barron move to allow the Acting Mayor, Jim Hilman to be added to the Bank Signature Cards at Prime Security Bank, United Valley Bank and American Federal Bank and to remove Johns Stenquist from the signature card, Second by Sebenaler and carried.
Assistant Fire Chiefs, Casey Faken and Tyler Swenson met with the council to discuss upgrading lights and installing new lights in the fire department shop. Gatheridge Electric quoted the cost at $3436.00 for both new and upgraded lights or $1728.00 for retrofit only of existing lights, but this would not qualify for Ottertail rebate and doesn’t provide the new lights needed. Barron moved accept the Gatheridge Electric quote of $3436.00 for the new and upgraded lights, second by Sebenaler and carried.
Assistant Fire Chiefs also requested approval for upcoming firemen training at Mahnomen and Moorhead. Barron moved to allow the fire department to attend both trainings, second by Nordin and carried.
Assistants are also requesting approval to purchase a used water tanker truck with automatic transmission cost not to exceed $30,000.00. They are requesting prior approval in order to make an offer as soon as they find a suitable truck. If they wait for council meetings the used truck could be sold to someone else. The department after purchasing a new water tanker truck would be asking the council to sell the current Water tanker truck. Hilman moved to allow the Fire Department to purchase a water tanker truck with the cost not to exceed $30,000.00, second by Nordin and carried.
Assistants also requested permission to store 2 J5’s, pickup and trailer at the residence of Mary Ann Schmiedeberg. Motion by Sebenaler, to allow the equipment to be stored at the Schmiedeberg residence, second by Hilman and carried.
The Mayor reported that 10 Fire Department Applicants; Carl Christopherson, Jim Hilman, Jesse Peterson, Mark Przekwas, Jim Scalese, George Zondagh, Scott Wallenberg, Dana Olson and Mike Whitlock have completed the application process and he has reviewed the required background check and finds no issues that would disallow them as candidates for the Fire Department. Barron moved to accept all 10 applicants to the Fire Department, second by Nordin and carried.
The council reviewed the January 2015 bills presented this night and any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2015 Rates, Fees & Appointments Schedule. Nordin moved to approve the bills, second by Hilman and carried. An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.
Roxanne Kulyk has asked permission to close the portion of 2nd street next to her restaurant Thursday, June 25th, 2015. Barron with discuss the location with Kulyk as 2nd street is the proposed area for the kids games.
Clerk reported that the city Auditor, Gordon Dale, has started his own accounting business and our account is one that he took with him in the new business. Clerk recommends that the city sign the engagement letter at the same rate as previously quoted to engage Gordon Dale to do the 2014 audit. Barron moved to accept Gordon Dale as the city auditor and allow the mayor to sign the engagement letter, second by Hilman and carried.
Clerk reported that a county hazard mitigation plan meeting which the city is a part of will be held on January 21, 2015 at the Kittson County Courthouse meeting room at 4:00PM. The clerk and Tom Sebenaler will attend.
Clerk reported that Emerson Music and Sound quote for 4 speakers and a volume control for the Liquor Store would cost $986.25 plus tax. The council asked the clerk to check with Emerson’s if the mileage would be waived if system installed at the same time as the outdoor PA system this spring
Barron moved to request $2000.00 from the Lancaster Legion Gambling fund for fire department equipment and training, second by Nordin and carried.
Council reviewed the December 2014 City and Liquor Store financial information; daily sales averages for the liquor store.
Council discussed requesting from the lions that they install a fence or trees in the gazebo park to help provide a backdrop in the park.
Liquor Store manager is directed to obtain quotes for various bands for the Liquor Store 50th Party so that the council can decide on a budget for the event.
Council discussed the need to have snow removed on the sidewalks on both sides of Central Avenue from 2nd street to 3rd street. Hilman will direct maintenance to do the snow removal.
Being no further business the council adjourned.
Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer Approved: Mike Olson, Mayor
Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School