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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, February 8, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall.  The following members were present: Olson, Swenson and Barron. Rice and Stenquist were absent.   Acting mayor, Michael Olson presiding.


Swenson moved to approve the minutes of the January 11, 2012 annual meeting, second by Barron and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.


The council reviewed the February 2012 Bills to be paid. Barron moved to approve the bills for payment, second by Swenson and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.


Council reviewed the following final financial information for 2011:  City and Liquor Store Balance sheets and profit and loss statements; Notes receivable and Investment Schedule.  Council discussed the status of the Hanson Manufacturing Revolving loan that is 4 months in arrears.  The clerk has made numerous contacts with Hanson Manufacturing.  At this point no plan for repayment has been received.


Council reviewed the new GASB 54 Fund Designation standard.  As recommended by the Auditor the council reviewed the Fund Balance Policy and Fund Balance Schedule of Designations.  Barron moved to accept the Fund Balance Policy and attached Schedule of Designations, second by Swenson and carried.


Clerk presented the 2011 Pay Equity Report for review.  Barron moved to accept the report as presented, second by Swenson and carried.  Report is posted in the City Hall.


Clerk reported that the Employee Health Insurance Policy with Blue Cross and Blue Shield has risen to $287.00  per month February & March 2012 and then rises to $322.00/month for April 2012,  this number has fluctuated on the billing invoices.  The council discussed the changes and fluctuations.  This monthly amount changes without notice.  Swenson moved to increase the amount the city covers for eligible employees to an amount not to exceed $322.00 per month and this is to be retroactive to any previous changes, second by Barron and carried.  The clerk was directed to pay any health insurance bills in full and then reduce the covered employees after tax payroll by the amount exceeding $322.00 per month.


Clerk reported that the Community Center Donations amount is $33,928.66 as January 31, 2012.


Council reviewed the January City and Liquor Store financial information, Liquor Store Daily sales and gambling reports.  


Clerk reported that Attoney Nielsen drafted a title opinion for USDA with a new land description provide by WSN for the Liquor Store/Community Center separation.


Lancaster Lions requests approval for their gambling application for 3 bingo events in 2012 to be held in the centennial hall.  Barron moved to approve the application, second by Swenson and carried.


Zondagh reported that the warning siren shaft was broken and that the estimated cost to fix will be $200 to $300 by Koop Electric, the work has been started.


Council Adjourned as there was no further council business.




Carol Johnson








Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School

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