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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, December 14, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following members were present: Olson, Hilman, Sebenaler and Bowlin.  Nordin was absent.

Hilman moved to approve the council minutes of the November 10, 2016 regular meeting, seconded by Bowlin and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the December 2016 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2016 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule.  Bowlin moved to approve the bills, second by Hilman and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Council reviewed the proposed 2017 budget as was set in September 2016.   The proposed overall general tax levy is $97,000.00 an increase of $5,000.00 from the 2016 levy.   Sebenaler moved to set the final General Levy Budget at $97,000.00, second by Hilman and carried.

Clerk reported that a step given to all eligible employees per step eligibility rules currently in place plus 3% to Downtown flower maintenance person annual salary would cost $3487.70 in 2017.  Hilman moved to grant all eligible employees a step increase and 3% to the Downtown flower maintenance person annual salary for 2017, second by Bowlin and carried.

Council discussed the request from George Zondagh to receive 80 hours Pay in Lieu of Vacation as described in the employee handbook.  Zondagh states that he has been unable to use his vacation hours and will exceed the maximum of 160 hours that an employee is allowed to carry over into the next year due to the work load.  Hilman moved to allow the 80 hours Pay in Lieu of Vacation, second by Bowlin and carried.

Zondagh requests to purchase PH & DO meter for wastewater testing estimated cost around $1600.00.  Hilman moved to purchase the meter at a cost not to exceed $1800.00, second by Bowlin and carried.

Zondagh reported that new tires for the payloader are estimated to cost $5008.00 through the state bid program.  Council tabled this until fall.  Zondagh also, reported that new florescent lights for the city shop would cost $2,166.00. Council asked Zondagh to get an estimate for LED lights.

Clerk reported that TransCanada Corporation donated $5,000.00 towards the purchase of 6 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus’s (SCBA) for the Fire Department.  Clerk reported that the Lancaster Lions has made a donation of $400.00 for the Community Center and that the American Legion Post #214 has made a $500.00 donation to the fire fund.   Councils wishes to thank these community groups and business’s that support our community.

Fire Chief requests to purchase 6 SCBA’s for the Fire Department at a cost not to exceed $35,000.00.  Sebenaler moved to purchase the 6 SCBA’s not to exceed $35,000.00, second by Bowlin and carried.

Fire Chief reports that Mark Bernstrom has resigned from the fire department.  Bowlin moved to accept the resignation effective December 14, 2016, second by Hilman and carried.

Gaye Allen has offered to sell on consignment old items stored at the Centennial Hall at her store Vintage Plus.  Bowlin moved to allow the sale with Sebenaler appointed to make the decisions as to which items would be sold, second by Hilman and carried.

Mayor set the Liquor Store inventory for January 1, 2017 at 1:00PM.

Clerk requested to change the designation on 2 Certificates of Deposit at American Federal Bank #***230 & United Valley  Bank #***974 from Sewer to General Fund as the large sewer project this fall was budgeted as a use of these sewer reserves.  Clerk would like to have the CD’s not be cashed in order to avoid Early Withdrawal Penalties.  Hilman moved to change the CD designations on ***230 & ***974 to General Fund, second by Sebenaler and carried.

Council reviewed the November 2016 City and Liquor Store financial information.

Sebenaler moved to accept the 2016 Council per diems and Fire Chief Salary of $500/year for payment, second by Bowlin and carried.

Being no further business the council adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                      Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor 

 Approval Date: January 11, 2017



Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School


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