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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, August 8, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall.  The following members were present: Rice, Olson and Barron.   Absent Swenson and Stenquist.


Barron moved to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2012 regular meeting and the minutes from the July 16, 2012 Special Meeting, second by Olson and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.


The council reviewed the August 2012 Bills to be paid.  Olson moved to approve the bills for payment, second by Barronand carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.


Council reviewed the 2013 budget, suggested that the clerk include 3% salary increase for all employees and that the clerk hours be increased to 32 hours per week for the preparation of the 2013 budget.  Also, discussed were the 2013 water and sewer rates.


Tom Sebenaler submitted a plan to repair concrete in front of the centennial hall and repair both steps on the east side of the building.  Council  will review the plan further and get an estimated for the concrete removal and replacement.


Clerk reported that filing for the Mayor and 2 council positions closes on August 14, 2012.


Council reviewed the USDA Loan resolution Security Agreement for the $60,000.00 loan for the purchase of  a fire truck.  Olson moved to adopt the resolution and allow the Mayor and clerk to execute all documents pertaining to the loan, second by Barron and carried.


Clerk reported the Hartz foundation and Wikstrom Grant requests for the community center have been denied.


Clerk reported that Olson is working on obtaining the fire truck bidspecs from the fire department.  Olson moved to have the bid opening at the September 12, 2012 at 7:00PM, second by Barron and carried.


Clerk reported that the Community Center fund balance is $40449.5 as of July 31, 2012.


Mayor set Liquor Store Inventory for September 30, 2012 at 1:00PM.


Council reviewed the July City and Liquor Store financial information, Liquor Store Daily sales and gambling reports.  


Council reviewed the new flood plain map of the city, no changes were made within the city limits.  The map is available to be reviewed by any residents or landowners who wish by contacting the clerk.  Informational meetings will be held at the Courthouse with the same maps available for viewing.  The dates will be published in the local papers.


Rice reported that the Liquor Store south door needs to be replaced with a commercial door as soon as possible.  Barron moved to allow the replacement second by Olson and carried.


Clerk reported that Maintenance employee would be available to help with construction of the clerk’s office.  He will provide the council with an estimate of the construction cost and obtain an electrical estimate.


Council Adjourned as there was no further council business.



Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer







Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School

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