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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.  The following persons were present: Mayor, Mike Olson; Council members: Kathy Bernstrom, Krista Matthew, Teri Halvorson and John Stenquist.  Also present Anna Jauhola, Kittson County Enterprise reporter.

Halvorson moved to approve the March 13, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes, second by Bernstrom and carried.  A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the April 2024 bills and March 2024 Electronic Fund Transfers and other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2024 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule.  Stenquist moved to approved bills and EFT’s, second by Matthew and carried.   An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request.

 Clerk reported that the McFarlane Heating quote for Liquor Store semi-annual inspections is $610/year.  This was approved at the last meeting.

Bernstrom moved to accept the Lancaster Lions donation of $2,000.00; $1,000.00 for Fire Department Building & $1,000.00 for Lancaster Business Association 2024 kids games and bounce house events, second by Halvorson and carried.

Bernstrom moved to make application to the Lancaster Legion #214 in the amount of $2,000.00 for the fire department building project, second by Matthew and carried.

Halvorson moved to accept Brian Hanson’s resignation from the fire department effective March 18, 2024, second by Bernstrom and carried.

Council discussed Fire Department building.

Olson reported that the Ford pickup truck (grass rig) needs a new motor, estimated to cost less than $7,500.00.  Bernstrom moved to allow the purchase not to exceed $7,500.00, second by Matthew and carried.

Liquor Store Manager, Shannon Bowlin, met with the council to review the 1st Quarter Liquor Financials.

Emily & Ned Webster, W’s Diner, met with the council to request a two part $75,000.00 loan from the City Revolving Loan Fund to purchase the Foxy Roxy restaurant.   The 1st part of this loan is for initial startup and inventory funds of $15,000.00 to be disbursed as soon as possible.  The 2nd part of loan in the amount of $60,000.00 is for purchase of the restaurant and fixtures to be completed in July/August 2024.  The loan was reviewed by the Northwest Regional Development Commission.  The council reviewed the loan recommendations.  Bernstrom moved to loan W’s Diner (Emily & Ned Webster)  FIRST part of loan: $15,000.00 for a period of 15 years (monthly payments) at 1% interest per year with the city in 1st position on all inventory, accounts receivable and 2013 GMC Yukon; city to be named as loss payee on hazard insurance (inventory & equipment) and life insurance on Emily Webster in the amount of the loan debt with personal guarantees from Emily and Ned Webster;  SECOND part of loan in the amount of $60,000.00; for a period of 15 years (monthly payments) at 1% interest per year to be completed when land/restaurant transfer is finalized with the city to have a 1st Mortgage on the property; promissory and personal guarantees from Emily and Ned Webster, and hazard insurance on property; loan recipients pay 1% loan origination fee on principal as each loan is disbursed and also pay for loan expenses (i. e. recording fees; abstracting; mortgage registration and UCC filing fees) at time of each closing, second by Halvorson and carried.

Council reviewed March City financials.

Other items discussed:  Painting exterior of Liquor Store and City Hall; Community Center wiring.

Halvorson move to approve Lancaster Business Association raffle permit for June, October and December 2024, second by Stenquist and carried.

Mayor closed the meeting as there was no further business for council.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                     Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor 

Approval Date: May 8, 2024




Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA


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