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The Lancaster City Council met virtually for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following persons were present: Mayor Mike Olson; Council members Jim Hilman, Kathy Bernstrom and Faye Potrament and Luke Nordin.  Also, present Anna Jauhola with the Kittson County Enterprise and Gordon Dale, City Auditor.

Bernstrom moved to approve the March 11, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes, second by Hilman and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining.  Potrament moved to approve the March 18, 2020 Emergency Meeting Minutes, second by Nordin and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

Gordon Dale, City Auditor, presented the 2019 Audit and various exhibit and comparison worksheets to the council.  Dale discussed city internal controls and other issues for the council’s consideration.  Potrament moved to accept the 2019 Audit, second by Hilman and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining.

The council reviewed the April 2020 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2020 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule.  Potrament moved to approve the bills second by Hilman and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Council noted that due to COVID-19 issues the 100th Anniversary Celebration in June for the School has been cancelled.

Nordin reported that the Lancaster Golf course has requested to purchase the used mower.  Discussion was held regarding golf courses need during the Pandemic and helping the golf course economically.  Bernstrom moved to rescind the motion from the March 11, 2020 meeting to purchase a new mower with a trade in of the old mower, second by Nordin and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining.  Bernstrom moved to purchase the JD 1550 mower for $19,423.65 from True North Equipment without a trade in, second by Potrament and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining.  Hilman moved to make an appropriation of the used mower to the golf course, second by Potrament and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining

Clerk reported that upon request by the Fire Chief she has submitted a grant for fire department equipment in the amount of $5,080.00 to TC Energy (formerly TransCanada Energy).   If the grant is awarded the council would need to accept the grant at that time.

Council reviewed correspondence from USDA regarding the City Revolving Loan Program that allows the city latitude on collection of loan payments during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Clerk presented a Loan Payment Deferral/Agreement form that could be used to allow deferral of payments for a fixed period.  Hilman moved to allow loan payment deferrals of up to 6 months for loan recipients with monthly payment plans; no additional interest will accrue during the deferral and payments would then extend at the end of the loan for the number of months extended,  second by Bernstrom and passed on a roll call vote with Bernstrom, Potrament and Hilman voting in favor, none against and Nordin abstaining.

Council discussed the Families First Federal law regarding sick and medical leave.

Council discussed the Highway 59 Campground that would normally open on May 1st.  Bernstrom moved to delay the campground opening until May 15, 2020, second by Potrament and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining.

Kittson County Ambulance Service has requested an appropriation from the city for 2020.  Potrament moved to appropriate $500.00 to the Kittson County Ambulance Service, second by Bernstrom and passed on a roll call vote with all voting in favor and none against or abstaining.

Council also reviewed the March 2020 City and Liquor Store financial information.

Hilman reported that the Fire Department roof was damaged by ice removal and needs repair and was directed to implement as soon as possible.  Hilman also reported that Community Center roof has developed a leak and needs to be repaired.  Nordin will obtain quotes for the Community Center for the next meeting.  Hilman also reported that the Auto Fry hood fan in the Liquor Store is not working and some sheetrock needed replacement, he was directed to implement these repairs.

As there was no further business the council adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                         Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor

Approval Date:  May 13, 2020





Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School | NW MN Multi-County HRA


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