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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 11, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following members were present: Olson, Hilman, Bowlin and Peterson.   Nordin was absent.   As the meeting was called to order and audit discussion started Hilman left to answer a fire call, Hilman was not back by end of meeting.

Gordy Dale, City Auditor, met with the council to review and discuss the 2017 Audit.  Auditor suggested amending the budget in December to account for out of the ordinary income and expense such as the rehab grant monies that the city has no ability to plan for in the original budgeting process.  Bowlin moved to accept the 2017 budget as presented, second by Peterson and carried.

Zondagh, maintenance, met with the council to discuss the sewer issues on 1st Street starting from Minnesota Avenue to Hawaii Avenue.  The lines are very old clay tile, very deep, broken and have are no longer level due to ground movement.  Also, the manhole on 1st and MN needs repair.   Zondagh will look in to options for repairs and report back to the council.

Gary Rice met with the council to request the purchase the lots 1 and 2, Block 1 in the Lancaster Addition.   The council discussed that these lots are 30 feet narrower than the other lots and due to that an adjustment to the normal price of $1000.00 would be reasonable.  Bowlin moved to sell to Gary & Diane Rice for $700.00 plus recording fees Lot 1 and 2, Block 1 in the Lancaster Addition; with no abstract and purchasers must sign NKRW and Street assessment agreement, second by Peterson and carried.

Peterson moved to approve the Council minutes of the March 14, 2018 regular meeting second by Bowlin and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the April 2018 bills presented this night; any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2018 Rates Fees & Appointments Schedule.  Peterson moved to approve the bills, second by Bowlin and carried unanimously.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Bowlin moved to retroactively approve the purchase J5 grass fire fighting unit for the fire department, second by Peterson and carried.

Clerk brought to the council’s attention that due to new State Laws cities must now annually designate a business administrator that will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers and this information must by filed with banks doing business with the city.  Peterson moved to have the clerk, Carol Johnson, be the designated business administrator, second by Bowlin and carried.

Bowlin moved to rescind Resolutions 2018-2 & 2018-3 due to clerical error, second by Peterson and carried.  Nordin and Hilman Absent.

Council review the Attorney Opinion from George Hanson, City Attorney regarding the possible conflict of interest with Council Person, Jim Hilman, in that he is a carpentry contractor that would work for beneficiaries of the Rehabilitation Grant within the city.  The City Attorney letter states that Hilman must bid by sealed bid with the outside grant administrator, Wynne Consulting and then can meet the exceptions regarding conflict of interest as provided by law.  Bowlin moved to adopt Resolution 2018-4 stating that city attorney has reviewed the matters pertaining to a potential conflict of interest and that the council approves of the opinion and the city should request that a conflict of interest waiver request be prepared and forwarded to Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, second by Peterson.  Voting in favor:  Bowlin, Peterson and Olson.  Absent Hilman and Nordin.

Council reviewed the Attorney Opinion from George Hanson, City Attorney regarding the possible conflict of interest with Lancaster Lumber, Inc receiving Rehabilitation Grant (SCDP) funds for facility improvements as Council Person, Luke Nordin, is shareholder in the corporation.    The City Attorney letter states that Nordin as a minority shareholder and that Nordin can meet the exceptions regarding conflict of interest as provided by law.  Bowlin moved to adopt Resolution 2018-5 stating that city attorney has reviewed the matters pertaining to a potential conflict of interest and that the council approves of the opinion and the city should request that a conflict of interest waiver request be prepared and forwarded to Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, second by Peterson.  Voting in favor:  Bowlin, Peterson and Olson.    Absent Hilman and Nordin.

Council reviewed the March financials and noted that Liquor daily average sales have increased for the months of January-February of 2108 over 2017.

Olson reported that Dr. Roland Larter wishes to construct a monument in the southwest corner of the City Park next to U.S. Highway 59 at no cost to the city.  Bowlin moved to allow the area to be cleaned up and the monument to be placed in the City park with the Mayor having final approval of the monument design, second by Peterson and carried.

Council discussed campground issues and will work on rules regarding the campground area.

Lancaster Fire Relief Association will donate $5,500.00 from their general fund to the city fire fund for fire department equipment and building construction.   Bowlin moved to accept the donation, second by Peterson and carried.

As there was no further business the council adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                        Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor

Approval Date: 5/9/2018




Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School


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